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Well we have been mostly lucky, with mass coronal ejections not being directed at us, but we should reach solar max this year and it is massive, so might still be something to be concerned about, and a chance we might be in the line of fire.and since @wizardofid and @Aghori love discussing Doomsday scenarios and their likeliness/unlikeliness.
Solar storm, or carrington type event fries everything with a microchip in it, Power, Fibre, Wifi, Cars food everything and ANYTHING takes us back to the wild west days, or Mad max instantly.
lets see people argue about EV's then!
Lol EMP sets you back a few decades, a solar flare large enough sends you back to the stone age.
Solar flares are the least of my concern we are with in several potential super nova's, and a gamma ray burst directed at us it has the neat ability to wipe life off a planet to the point it is sterile, not even bacteria can survive a gamma ray burst from a super nova, it will essentially make earth sterile.
And yes earth has been hit in the past with gamma ray burst, it leaves a specific radioactive signature and there might have been several instances of this happening......
You are thinking on far too small scale concerning doomsday scenarios.....lol on a cosmological scale a gamma ray burst while destructive, there is significantly far worse things that can happen a rogue planet. Imagine if you would a rogue planet large enough to impact orbits enters our solar system it will either collide with planets or push them into new orbits or get ejected from the solar system, imagine earth getting flung out of the solar system or impacting the moons orbit, and it colliding with earth.
You would think earth is "good" for life, but contrary to popular believe it isn't really, just stable enough for life, there is always some threat over the horizon, earth and the solar system and cosmos is actually pretty hostile to life in general, it just so happens that we have had reasonable stability at the moment, millions of years from now not so much, in 4.5 billion years the sun will be become a white dwarf, but not before it expands in size and starts "eating" inner planets earth included.
Then there is the andromeda galaxy on a collision course with the milky way, in a few billion years....
EMP, solar flare....beatch please, gamma ray burst, hold my beer.......
Rogue planets is one possible scenario, pretty unlikely to encounter one not impossible thought, the scariest things might be things like gas giants and blackholes getting ejected from their galaxies heading our way, pretty unlikely, you have a better chance getting struck by lighting and winning the lotto twice on the same day. The scary thing about rogue planets , rogue black holes are near damn impossible to spot, by the time you spot them it would be too late, and the only way you are more likely to spot them is when they impact gravity and other objects around them......otherwise you wouldn't even know.
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