Malatsi in talks to scrap luxury tax on some smartphones

Daniel Puchert

Staff member
Mar 6, 2024
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South African plan to slash smartphone prices

Communications minister Solly Malatsi has said he has been in talks with the National Treasury about making smartphones more affordable and scrapping the luxury tax on some devices, GeekHub reports.

The minister has emphasised his "obsession" with removing or at least setting a threshold to the ad valorem or luxury tax on smart devices to make it more affordable for people to access this technology.
idea they got from the CCP, that figured its easier to control a population if everybody has a cheap cellphone,
even went so far and made payments via cellphone much easier than carrying cash.
How are the CADRES going to eat.
Where will they get the extra money for the JW Blue and all the 1Million Gupta breakfasts.
I'm sure the cadres will have a problem with this too...
I wonder how you solve the bigger problem that average SA salary takes 78% for an iPhone vs 16% for a US person.

You'd assume that a SA-based teacher, nurse, engineer, software developer, or lawyer can't be 5x more efficient in the US than here.

Going off gold standard and US as reserve currency hurt SA more than we give it credit..
Going off gold standard and US as reserve currency hurt SA more than we give it credit..
It hurt everyone. Which is why people are starting to push back.

Trump wins the election, there's uncertainty, their inflation outlook is negative. Their currency should be going to schit like it would in any other country, instead it gets stronger, because everyone flocks to the reserve currency. Now we'll have to deal with their inflation issues instead of them...
Not going to happen.

If this tax is removed, they will have find another way to fill the gap and they can't.

If they could, they will bring the threshold amount as close to 0 as possible.
Ad valorem tax is an outdated concept. The goods classified as luxuries are no longer considered luxuries in first world countries. Even where they are they usually only make up the very top tier.
Core Group will be very upset im sure.

Or double the price of the 16 Pro Max they STILL dont have in stock 3 months after launch:ROFL:
They need to first recalculate the "Luxury" tax on vehicles. Bloody paid a fortune for my V8 Cayenne.
5.25% is a lot of extra dosh for those piggies.
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First time I've heard of this tax. We have so many taxes it makes the mind boggle.

It would be great if they could simplify our tax system. Give me a flat rated tax and get rid of all these other nonsensical taxes and I'll be happy.

We'd also save money as we wouldn't need so many SARS employees chasing people for taxes they don't even know about.
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