Mobile networks have three months to "wind down" services in temporary spectrum bands

Force them to buy it, the telcos all dropped pricing, now they have no choice but to pay the ANC tax
“More importantly, the Authority is mindful of the need to focus its efforts on the permanent licensing of spectrum,” Icasa stated, adding that it is important that the industry be allowed adequate time to plan and adjust their operations."
adequate time? the public and private business' view of 'adequate time' generally is different to governments view of adequate time.
gov's generally useless people, and idiotic delays are part of the reason that proper spectrum hasnt properly been allocated long ago already.
'Africa time' and tech progress dont go together nicely
As much as the spectrum handling by icasa is ****up, this news is pure clickbait rubbish.
How can it be a shock if the recent deadline was today. Is it shocking that it has been extended?
"Whoa chief! Gotto stop stop this! There is a danger the economy will grow. Can't let the people form the idea things can be better."
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