Giving People Power is one thing.
Them not knowing what to do with it is another issue all together.
For the last 12 years I have campaigned vigorously to bring down mobile tariffs.
Emails were sent to almost everyone I knew including journalists - ICASA - Doc.
No one listened. Like i always maintain if you don't have the brain to think then rather use someone else's brain.
ICASA and the DOC clearly have clearly been favouring the mobile Giants by allowing them to charge the highest tariffs possible. It appears that this was done with knowledge as the evidence of such large scale corruption has been shown of past communication ministers. The ANC led government really tasked the poor blacks at the expense of the wealthy blacks.
Hope ICASA does not buy all this nonsense from EmptyN & VodaCon.
Regulation is fine if done properly.
Capping of all tariffs is a must and should be done.
EmptyN please explain how the Sudanese can pay such low tariffs and we pay 5 times more.
EmptyN please explain how the Zambians can pay such low tariffs and we pay 3 times more.
You have networks in both these countries with challenges never heard of in South africa.
The next time Zunaid Bulbulia
Time is now to cut these guys short.
They can leave South Africa anytime.
We must re-tender the entire Mobile Licences from scratch.