Motsoaledi slams NHI critics for ‘apartheid tactics’

When all else fails... These guys really are a one trick pony
Everything state controlled and run has collapsed, is collapsing and is riddled with corruption.

Hiding the proven track record of the ANC's mismanagement behind the race card is getting old.
Why do I feel like we are being setup for a major tax hike here...... bit of a bait and switch

First the tell us that to enable NHI they wil need to shutdown private medical care, then, once everybody is sufficiently panicked they say... "Ok keep your medical aid, but then you will need to pay more taxes to fund NHI"
Why doesn't he address the actual concerns raised instead of just resorting to name-calling.

We've all seen what happens when this government runs a public health system. It's not pretty.
Why doesn't he address the actual concerns raised instead of just resorting to name-calling.

We've all seen what happens when this government runs a public health system. It's not pretty.

Cos he can't address the actual concerns, because it means NHI basically has to die in even vaguely its current form.

Also Aaron isn't smart enough to address the concerns.
Posted yesterday. The RAF already refuses to refund Medical Aid members who get injured in accidents, even though they pay for the RAF. They have actively been doing it, saying its a designated group and they dont deserver to get money from the RAF.

I say cancel all medical aid credits, and lets just pay for it privately. Maybe the medical aids can give us a discounted item at a flat price and not the salary sliding scale rate, asking higher earning members to subsidize lower earning members. You pay for a service that you get.

We already pay a premium based on how much we earn, to subsidize lower earners, why? The medical aids is already milking the public, now the NHI wants to milk us more?

But quite honestly, I do see a need for the NHI. Doctors in SA has become very greedy and the not for profit medical aids, pay themself huge bonuses. Seriously, the Discovery CEO makes R28 million a year.
Typical blame Apartheid when they don't get what they want.
And even if they get what they want and **** it up after endless warnings then they will find a way to blame apartheid for their failure as well.
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