New Twitter Blue subscription service unveiled with exclusive features


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Jul 22, 2003
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New Twitter Blue subscription service unveiled

Twitter Inc. unveiled its long-awaited subscription service, offering paying customers exclusive features for rescinding tweets and organizing posts as part of a push to ease the social network’s dependence on advertising revenue.

Dubbed Twitter Blue, the product will cost $2.99 a month for access to tools including the ability to “undo” a post before it goes out publicly, organize bookmarked tweets into folders, and more easily read long tweet threads.
"Looks like you're trying to send more than 10 tweets in a 24hr cycle. Buy Twitter Blue for $2.99 to get unlimited tweets"

Can see that happening
No thanks. This communist business can keep their subscription service for themselves.

About Twitter Blue​

About Twitter Blue
We’re exploring ways to help people take their Twitter experience to the next level— and Twitter Blue is just the beginning. This new monthly subscription gives people exclusive access to premium features that give them more customization over their Twitter experience.
We’re launching Twitter Blue in Canada and Australia. In these regions, Twitter Blue is available for in-app purchase on Twitter for iOS. You can expect to see the Android release, additional regions, and more premium features in the near future.
Twitter Blue highlights:
  • Undo Tweet
    Now you can review and revise your Tweet before it’s visible to your followers on Twitter! Learn more about Undo Tweet.
  • Bookmark Folders
    Organize your Bookmarks into folders, and easily find the saved content you want to read later.
  • Reader Mode
    Keep up with Twitter threads by turning them into easy-to-read, longform text. Learn more about this improved experience

Such an odd paygate. Funny though, there are third-party services which already supports this, so there will be a service or two who will be unhappy with Twitter's decision.

I mean, something like Undo Tweet and Reader Mode should be QoL improvements... I was about to say what this is, but they said it themselves,

Does this mean the free version of Twitter is going away?​

Free Twitter isn’t going away and never will. Twitter Blue simply offers an opt-in layer of customization to give you more creative possibilities for your Twitter experience.

but what customisation?

There so much more they can do with a subscription service...
I hope this prompts large accounts to move to something else.
Like the Blue dot minibus taxis
Who on earth wants to subscribe to a septic tank?
Strangely enough I've seen a lot of bigger accounts have been touting having a subscription service. But I think they meant that everyone needs to pay to be able to access Twitter, not a pro version..
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