News Tip-Offs and Investigations


MyBroadband Newsfeed
Staff member
Jun 28, 2017
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Please post any matters in the tech and telecoms space you would like to bring to our attention or which you think must be investigated in this thread.

Please post a brief description of the issue or topic, and links to any other forum threads, Facebook complaints, etc, to provide an overview of what you would like us to look into.

This thread is for tip-offs only, and we would like to avoid discussions in this thread - so please only post the tip-off, a brief description, and any relevant links. Please avoid follow-on comments.

We will endeavour to investigate all legitimate posts in this thread. We may not get to your issue right away, and we apologise in advance for this. Investigations may take some time.

If you would like to send a tip-off anonymously, please direct message the Newsfeed forum account or email [email protected].
They are certainly NOT the greatest ISP BY A LOOONG SHOT that we have here in South Africa and their signal is PATHETIC in TOO MANY parts of Jo'burg.
Now and for quite a while they have been terminating landlines with NO valid reasons or NOT making any effort to service faulty ones.
My BIGGEST GRIPE is this ARROGANT company REFUSE to port NEOTEL 011 telephone numbers to their system UNLESS you accept taking on a R200 contract, or if you don't want to take a contract you have to pay R200 a month WITHOUT the contract for them to port the number.
PLEASE look into this last gripe of mine.
I'm pretty sure that they've done the same with everyone else that's tried to port their Neotel number TO TELKOM.

P****d Off EX Telkom LONGTIME LANDLINE customer (about FOURTY years).
Something has been happening at Telkom. Services are down. Yesterday a dentist SMS'ed their cell number emergenices, likewise a few others sent alt contacts. Today Discovery sent a link to this:
Dear news team: Please use the terms BEC and Business Email Compromise in fraud instances such as described at

This will go a long way for people to speak the same language and easily find more details, also for readers on how to protect themselves. This is a massive problem in South Africa.

Many thanks. Nice article and we hope to see more. :thumbsup:
Please investigate MTN fixed LTE's broken billing and usage system.

More info here:

I've had to switch to Telkom while they get back to me... 2 hours and waiting
Please do a article comparing call quality between apps

Google Duo

I don't think apple app should be included because they are not cross platform. Let your staff use each app for a week and all their calls has to be via that app for that one week and then give us your findings. How you measure the guys will have to figure that out :)
Please do a article comparing call quality between apps

Google Duo

I don't think apple app should be included because they are not cross platform. Let your staff use each app for a week and all their calls has to be via that app for that one week and then give us your findings. How you measure the guys will have to figure that out :)
1 I don't use apps that announce my installing them to others. 2 everybody I know that matters uses WhatsApp.
INCE Connect who admittedly illegally got hold of email addresses are also deliberately ignoring unsubscribe request and emails addressed to them asking to please stop.

They are ignoring the law which has no teeth anyway.

So why not do some investigative journalism, bust their chops, get the owners fined/jailed (as per comms act) and set a precedent for all the junkmail spam lords to be scared off.
Telkom Internet Last 2 weeks or so downloads at night interrupted(Nightsurfer ADSL) , could it be Eskom cutting power in places or what. This happened before and disappeared for a year good service till recently, not my problem.
I would love to see an article regarding the use of Carrier-Grade NAT by fibre ISPs and why they aren't using IPv6 if they are starved for IPv4 addresses. Would be interesting to hear what choices each ISP has made on this matter.
Why does it seem that the wasp signups at Vodacom is up by 2000% lately????

Or just investigate the whole of Vodacom, its been real skelm since day one..
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Please investigate Supersonic, and their terrible support. Best ISP my @ss

Oh, and also get them, and other service providers to stop relying on dumb WhatsApp bots ... those things are useless
So just an update, INCEConnect are still spammers and refuse to abide by the law. Even by their own submission on this forum that they illegally got hold of our contact details they are allowed to continue using it.

Our communication laws are toothless.
There's a story on Webafrica, double billing their customers in Dec then when trying to fix, triple billing instead.
Also no support, Their 15 minute whatsup bots where you only get a response 24 hours later.
Have a read on hello peter to see what their customers think.
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