Nintendo wants R1.15 million for alleged Palworld patent violations

Hanno Labuschagne

Staff member
Sep 2, 2019
Reaction score
The fact that they are suing for such a low amount means they know they don't have a case.
The suit alleges that Pocketpair violated three patents, related to catching and riding the pokémon characters and having monsters fight one another, according to the statement.
So things you find in most games, lol. Nintendo being pretendo again when someone does something better than them.
I'll just leave this here. Some of the takes looks suspicious and borders on conspiracy (from where I'm strutting my stuff), but quite a few thought-provoking ideas. Very well-done video essay.

I still feel patents for game mechanics is rubbish, but seeing as this was filed in JPN only (for now) makes complete sense after watching this video.
The fact that they are suing for such a low amount means they know they don't have a case.
Nope it has NOTHING to do with money or whether they have a case.

What nintendo is trying to do is set a precedence with regards to patents.

Just some FYI info. Japan has NO fair use laws, none at all
Patents were registered AFTER palword released their game.

This is an extremely slippery slope and will be EXTREMELY detrimental to game development if nintendo is allowed to set a precedent in this case. Allowing game mechanics to be patented is a HUUUUUGE ass problem, the precedence will allow you to patent a reload animation for a specific weapon or specific way the reload animation is done for example.

If there is even a hint similarity between what you are doing and the patent you are in for a world of hurt.

Secondly if the case succeeds in japan, Nintendo WILL proceed and file lawsuits in other countries as well...

This lawsuit isn't about MONEY never was, it is about nintendo wanting to set a precedent with regards to patents, as well filing patents for game mechanics after someone else has already used said game mechanics.

This case really MUST not succeed as it will have a devastating and lasting impact on the industry as there will be a scramble in future to patent every thing and anything in future.

Imagine valve patenting the portal mechanics ? No other game will be allowed to use that mechanic without paying royalties to valve, or some company patenting the mechanic and suing valve.

The industry is already on thin ice and now nintendo wants to be a dick with a hammer and break that ice.
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