No more pirated video games in 2 years

Sounds like this particulate cracking group are getting lazy, the whole scene is about who could break the encryption, and back and fourth between the devs and the groups, its about the challenge, not about free stuff.

On another topic, are we still quoting bull**** piracy stats?

Because we all know every illegal copy is a lost sale. /s
We are no longer paying for the actual game, but the bragging right to play it first.
I fear this, that the web will be closed down and pay for will be your only option left
Can't remember the last time I downloaded a game... Now, I just wait till it's on special and then buy it.
I earn a salary, I can buy games, I might not get them immediately - but I will get them.
Two sides to this,

Support the publishers and developers. There is one responsibility that I do have an issue with and that is the marketing, too many products available today which didn’t deliver up to its promise. There are much more to be discussed on this topic.

Not only does copy protection protect the revenue stream, but the more ‘hardened’ copy protection is adopted the more they lock their ‘subscribers’ in with whichever mechanic they utilise. There are also much more to be discussed on this topic.
Myself, my brother, and my sister, may never have gotten into gaming on the level we do had it not been for pirating games when we were younger. There was no way my parents or myself were ever going to be able to afford the amount of games we played, and we played a lot of diverse and interesting games (and often got some stinkers as well, but no harm since they cost nothing). I absolutely attribute my love of games today for my piracy of games in the past.

That said, I always swore to myself that when I could afford my own games I would start paying for them, because I absolutely realised that my piracy of games I loved (forget the ones I hated) was depriving someone of the income associated with that gameplay. So that's exactly what I've done. I haven't pirated a game in probably 10-15 years, have rebought a lot of the old games that I *did* pirate back then on GoG and/or Steam when I came across them, and spend a lot of money on gaming hardware to play what's out there. My brother is in the industry having found a love for games which I would almost directly associate with the number of games that were pirated driving that love.

Business-wise, piracy is a difficult subject. Publishers and some developers see it as a completely black and white issue, that piracy is an evil that must be stopped (although those same publishers are trying to get you to also buy all their products, good or bad - with no concern for affordability). I fully agree that from a business perspective, you want every person to be paying for their gameplay, but in reality there are tons of people out there who may benefit from piracy now, but may ultimately contribute into the gaming community in the future far more than they ever took out.
Good. Developers work thier asses off to develop games. Then comes along joe public that wants it for free.
There will always be pirated media, always. Big time developers 'losing out' to piracy is more deserved these days anyway, releasing half arsed product like they do.
Good. Developers work thier asses off to develop games. Then comes along joe public that wants it for free.

Agree, but then again some developers will not allow you to demo a game like in the old days. If you buy it and it does not work on your system or it sucks no money back. If they demo their products more will test drive it and buy it. All of them must go the free to play route and make money off of add-on content rather.
Good. Developers work thier asses off to develop games. Then comes along joe public that wants it for free.

If you can afford it and pirate you are an a$*hole, if you live in bad country and R800 may seem a bit steep for some of the not so wealthy people, go for it, "humble bundle" it.
If you can afford it and pirate you are an a$*hole, if you live in bad country and R800 may seem a bit steep for some of the not so wealthy people, go for it, "humble bundle" it.

If you can afford a system that can run that R800 game, you should be able to afford the game as well.
Sounds like a "never say never" statement to me .......
But yes as Flucrum99 says there are quite a few issues that could be debated around this whole matter.
Games will move more and more to the subscription model. Those are much harder to pirate. Also the risk of losing all your progress in a game which is stored online will make gamers think twice about pirating.
I wonder how they are going to market their products without pirates.
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