Um the article is the Mail and Guardian's article. Verashni Pillay isn't on MyBroadband's payroll and I don't even think she visits the site much or is on these forums (if she is "Hi Versashni, its been a while. Enjoying M&G?"). I imagine there is a cross syndication agreement of some sort but the fact is that the article is in and from a different space. MyBB did an extensive expose et al on the subject and the mainstream media have picked up on this which is a good thing.
Now to criticise the nature of M&G coverage is quite different subject but it should probably in fairness be done by looking at how the mainstream media have covered the matter generally. Obviously the fact that the article lacks technical depth is a great pity, after all the author is a graduate of the best university in the country and should have been able to give a clear, precise and novel angle on all matters technical.
[In case the jest of the last sentence is lost, I am joking: (a) there is no such thing as a best university, although we should wave the banner on occassion ...]