Online vehicle licence disc renewal comparison - Post Office vs Natis vs FNB vs Spar vs Pick n Pay


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May 24, 2010
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The Rabbit Hole
Cheapest vehicle licence disc renewals in South Africa

South African motorists have to renew their vehicle licence discs annually, and a MyBroadband analysis has revealed that doing so through the South African Post Office offers the most affordable nationally available option.

MyBroadband compared the cost of renewing your licence disc through the Post Office, the National Traffic Information System's (Natis) online portal, FNB, Spar, Pick n Pay, and PayCity.
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Is the queue so bad at the municipality office?
In my case it was a breeze, better now that you don't have to fill that form just bring in the renewal notice form you get emailed and i.d.
Too bad that most of the Post offices that I used to use are now closed. Went to renew mine at one of the few reaming post offices last year and it had a very long queue and it took ages. Trying something different this year.
I renewed via the enatis site last week. They delivered 3 disks this week. I only ordered one. So they sent me duplicates of the ones I renewed earlier this year. Strange.
PayCity only R109.00 all in covers convince fee and delivery
Thanks. By my calculation it's R113.85? (R99 + 15%). Do you have a recent receipt showing otherwise?

Added them in and clarified the Post Office is only the cheapest nationally available option. PayCity is the cheapest overall.
Is the queue so bad at the municipality office?
In my case it was a breeze, better now that you don't have to fill that form just bring in the renewal notice form you get emailed and i.d.
Hi, any idea how to ‘setup’ this renewal to be emailed to you?
After accepting my money, and sending out regular status updates, FNB finally balked and admitted they couldn't renew my EC license after all so ended up using the online SAPO one. Not an unpleasant experience.
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Hi, any idea how to ‘setup’ this renewal to be emailed to you?
I receive them from the enatis website. Then you can either renew in person with the renewal form or you can order the disk online. Go and register with your id number on the enatis site.
Edenvale licencing dept is the best. Clean, ordely, nice gardens and there never seems to be a long queue. Never been there longer for half an hour whether renewing licences or sorting out vehicle registrations.
eNatis worked just fine for me. Ordered online and had the disc at my doorstep in a couple of days. R99 delivery is worth it.
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City of Cape Town charges nothing to deliver via post office, for online renewal. I would have thought that was cheapest as it cuts out driving there are and parking etc. But last year delivery took 3 weeks so it has got slower (post office delivery I expect).
Thanks for reminding me, I need to renew end of this month!
City of Cape Town charges nothing to deliver via post office, for online renewal. I would have thought that was cheapest as it cuts out driving there are and parking etc. But last year delivery took 3 weeks so it has got slower (post office delivery I expect).
City of Cape Town costs me many many hours every time I try to renew licences for my cars. Thankfully they're all renewed at the same time.

Easily takes months to get it done each time.

From when request to make payment, to the repeated bullshit about I've changed my address each year - narrator - i haven't, then the eventual - I've paid, now where the f is my licence, and the eventual having to trek to the po box to go grab it.

It has led to the yearly, lets embarass them into doing it though, as I send them a picture of a pony and some rather sarcastic mails about how my info hasn't changed since last time we did this, and maybe they want a pony. 4 years and counting now.

The pony - 1679680478715.png

Yes, I realise that I could pay a service to renew for me, but I have multiple vehicles, and I'm cheap to pay extra, I'd rather go through the same bs each year it seems :)
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Used FNB for last 2 years, based in Mpumalanga and vehicle is registered in KZN!
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