Good for them, but need it be said...
This is actually nothing special. The modern world is EZ-mode as long as you have half-decent leadership. i.e. Not just a bunch of rent seekers who think solving problems amount to riding around, ego tripping in meeting rooms, on their thumbs. Options abound. Anybody with a clue, honest intent, responsibility, participating (beyond moaning and destroying) population and a budget - Can make progress.
Might be relatively special here in SA. Goes without saying. Where municipal salary bills are often stacked until they exceed the municipal budget. No supplies or replacement parts / services bought yet. Which really... A dumb as well as a dick move. A sure sign of systemic cluelessness, callousness, megalomania, defeatism, apathy and probably even contempt.
I mean... Considering the cost of something like this vs the economic harm without it. WTF man??? Is this scifi??? -_-