Our pricing cheaper than Europe: Vodacom CEO Shameel Joosub

What is this guy smoking?

Vodacom is so expensive, I do not believe they are cheaper than Europe.

**** Vodacom, I'm glad I moved to Cell C! Vodacom can go die in a hole.
What is the collective noun for garbage? Because what this guy regurgitates from his talking orifice is deserving of that name.
ROFL. What a fool. lets have a quick look at vodaphone:


Okay, so for 47GBP a month I get, unlimited calls, unlimited texts and 2GB of data, plus an iPhone 5 32GB (with a 89GBP pay in), that works out at about R620 per month. Pretty expensive.
Wait, lets look at slowdacom:

R995 per month for : 100SMS (Yay!), 500MB data (Double Yay!) and 500 minutes of talk time (Yay!) for an iPhone 4 32GB
That means for 33% more than what I would pay on vodaphone, i get a quarter of the data, and an incomparable difference in SMS (100 vs unlimited) and talk minutes (500min vs unlimited) and an older phone...
500 minutes seems like a lot until you look at this. 500 Minutes a month will give you about 16 minutes of call time per day. Oh wow. So generous.
Please, for the life of me tell me how that is cheaper????
This doesn't account for the fact that vodacom say they will INCREASE the price when the iPhone 5 gets here.
Checked out the Vodafone link.The 16gig model is free but there's no stock.At roughly R600 you're getting a free i5, 2gigs data, untimited calls and data.
Joosub should run for President. He spews the same garbage than those at ANC rallies.
Is there something about living in Africa that fries your brain?
I think he meant if you compare the Rand amount to Pound Sterling, you pay cheaper in SA, i.e. R149/500MB bundle is cheaper than £149. :D
When a vc contract at our business expires we port to CellC. Who is this idiot? He will single-handed sink vc
This guy needs to take a long walk off a short pier. Just because he doesn't pay for his cellphone usage doesn't make Europe cheaper then SA.
Haven't read the article, or the other comments.

My comment to you Shameel, is that you are no longer the cheapest OR the best in your own damn market.

You will be losing me as a customer if you don't get your act together.
is now cheaper than most of Europe, especially when you are paying R49 for 500MB, R99 for 1GB and R149 for 2GB
These bundles are pointless as:
They are not available as "Bolt On" to existing contracts
They are not available as "Bolt On" to pre-paid
They are not available as "Bolt On" to Top-Up
They are only available on new 24 month SIM cards - practical only for tables or cell modems.

Vodacom CEO & well know Spin Doctor Shameel Joosub
Our pricing cheaper than Europe: Vodacom CEO
This has been Proven incorrect.
VC pricing not cheaper than Cell-C and 8.ta
Good to know since 60% of Europe don't live in poverty. Someone remind him that he's more expensive than many other African countries. It's what you can get away with that counts to Vodacom - that includes taking a lot of money from the bottom 60%

I'd like to know just how much of Voda's revenue comes from those living below the 60% mark.
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Shameel Joosub is trying to create a reality distortion field Steve Jobs would envy.
Who cares about European prices, we should look at prices in other developing markets like brazil and india
I'll support CellC & 8ta all the way! Fsck the cartel!!!
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