Possible LTE Breach of contract - I propose class action suit


Sep 25, 2005
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Hi All,

Are there any lawyers using the now "capped" LTE service or willing to assist?

Please read about the Telkom (I believe) breach of contract.

In short the service was advertised for streaming and gaming, and have now changed from the beginning of the month to a cap of 250GB!!!:mad:
Furthermore it was changed unilaterally by Telkom not giving it's users a option to opt out of the new terms imposed from the beginning of this month.

Can a lawyer tell us if it is indeed a breach as I believe?
If so I would like to suggest that we create a group and stand together to sue for breach of contract.

Following the ICASA and ASA route individually will not get us anywhere.
As a group we will be heard if we raise the issue together.
As a group it would be cheaper if everybody chip in than to cancel the contract and pay the penalty fees.

If anyone have a better idea I would like to hear from them and will support it.

am to scared to stream now and watching my usage like a hawk , who wants to sit with a 256k connection speed ?
My internet went to 4Mb this afternoon.
Reading on the forums it became clear to me what has happened.

After 11 months of watching Netflix and showmax (cancelling DSTV), I had to tell my kids that I am sorry tonight.
There will be no more TV, Youtube or gaming for them as someone at Telkom decided after 11 months that they wanted to change their terms of service.

All I can say is that it is disappointing that once again the consumer must take the short end of this raw deal.
I still have to pay for this sub par service that is now forced on me, and that makes me very angry.

I'm fully onboard with whatever we can do as a group. They can't just change their policies mid contract without both parties agreeing
Add me to the list...

Not optimistic though. Unlikely to be any censorship, as we saw with MTN increasing their cell phone tariffs mid term. No repercussions for companies behaving unethically.
I asked RPM if one of them cant do a story on this.

This really unacceptable. They can block p2p completely for what i care. But Streaming and game downloads is why we got this package. They blatantly lied to us...Never capped, truly unlimited....
Uncapped wireless broadband is really uncapped for almost all applications and uses. These include email, browsing, streaming traffic like video, music, YouTube, AppleTV, Box Office, Netflix, VPN, VOIP, real time online gaming, backups and gaming downloads.

For these you will never be capped and throttled. This means consumers will enjoy the full benefit of a truly unlimited experience with Telkom's LTE Uncapped service. Telkom's 50GB fair usage policy cap ONLY applies to Bit Torrent traffic via peer to peer and news servers protocols (NNTP).
Please feel free to add me to this list as well.

I've been directly impacted by this unethical behaviour.
+1 Put me on list.
This is purely breach of contract (If it can be proven that the 250Gb cap exist)
People, people. 'Unlimited Bandwidth' is South Africa's biggest SCAM. This scam raked trillions of Rands from innocent consumers over the past few decades. There is no such thing as 'Unlimited Bandwidth'. They only use this to lock people into contracts and start taking their money.

These services providers have authorities in their back pocket. It has already been found they are allowed to continue the scam. There are no legal actions you can take. You will lose any action.

Just remember the golden rule: There is no such thing as 'Unlimited Bandwidth'. These companies can start throttling at 1GB if they so wish when looking at their FU policies.
Yes, Telkom must be making a fortune of profit from people downloading 500GB+ For R599.
Incorrect data deductions

Hi All

I don't have uncapped LTE but I do have the 50GB. The problem is I found that according to telkom I have used about 40GB in two days. After requesting a data usage report from them I found that they were not deducting data from the normal daily usage and the night surfer of which I also get 50GB. Instead they just deducted everything from the daily cap and there I reached my limit.

Is there anything I can do about this? Please help.
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