Prasa to prove its new trains work by putting them on the rails

As long as they don't hit the cables...

These useless chodes don't seem to understand the difference between "work" and "work safely".

Wait, work is probably a foreign concept to them anyway.
This sounds like the start of one of those superhero movies where Prasa gets their revenge on all the journalists by getting them all into a train en route to certain doom and destruction. Who can save them? Superman? Batman?
I may be mistaken but I'm sure I read a report where Molefe or someone at Prasa said some of these new locomotives were in use and they were only waiting waiting for the test units to do a certain number of kms before commissioning the rest?
I may be mistaken but I'm sure I read a report where Molefe or someone at Prasa said some of these new locomotives were in use and they were only waiting waiting for the test units to do a certain number of kms before commissioning the rest?
Yes and transnet karked themselves and instructed prasa to remove them immediatelt
Will the train travel along all the major routes that these trains will travel though?
I bet they will pick an area with freshly maintained overhead cables and high bridges.
I've already seen the new locomotives a few times pulling a Shosholoza Meyl train.
One of the main safety concerns were that the diesel exhaust would be too close to the power lines. So even if the loco doesn't hit the lines the heat and soot will still damage the power lines in the long term.
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