Radio frequency spectrum: Use it or lose it, says minister of communication

Damn, thought they already said it will become law end of last year or beginning of this year... One day, hopefully... any maybe also one day the government will realise that Sentech needs to be partially privatised since they are just not getting the techonologies in the field, and the one important task they had (afaik) was to see to the migration to digital TV. Fine, ICASA and minister of communication didn't really help but still, when can we expect what was planned for 2009 to be implemented?
This is just a joke really. Threats have been bandied around for ages,yet nothing is done about spectrum hoarders like sentech...there must be some sort of scam running there,as even padaychie wants sentech failures to continue
Its about time. Just hope they are able to do it within 5 or 10 years.
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