Renewing your passport and applying for a smart ID at a bank in South Africa

Daniel Puchert

Staff member
Mar 6, 2024
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How to get a smart ID or renew your passport at a bank in South Africa

South Africans who need to apply for their smart ID card or renew their passport can do so at a Home Affairs-supported bank branch after applying through the department's eHomeAffairs platform.

The system enables users to book application slots at Department of Home Affairs (DHA) branches or a supported branch of the applicant's bank.
You still stand in a queue though as they book multiple people in the same slot.
You still stand in a queue though as they book multiple people in the same slot.
I had a great experience at Discovery took longer to drive there and back then for the appointment, which was for 2 minors for passports.
I have also spoken to at least 5 people who had similar experiences there.
Documents were also ready with in 2 weeks and pick up was painfree.
I had a great experience at Discovery took longer to drive there and back then for the appointment, which was for 2 minors for passports.
I have also spoken to at least 5 people who had similar experiences there.
Documents were also ready with in 2 weeks and pick up was painfree.
I went to Standard bank in canal walk, it took about 2hrs with an appointment, the pickup went a lot better as the queue was a lot shorter.
Three quick tips on the Online application for a South African passport on the DHA website and make an appointment at a bank.

1. The website to use is: (I stumbled onto another online form at some point that is not the same as this one)

2. The status of your payment will go from "Submitted to bank", "Bank acknowledgement received" and then to "Complete successfully". I think I was able to book the appointment on Bank acknowledgement received, but else it probably needs to be in the last status before you can book the appointment.

3. If you want to go to the Absa at Sandton - then when you need to choose a location, in the City field, choose: "Sandhurst", (!) suburb "Sandton", and branch type "Bank".

4. And tip 4, the email that you get as confirmation that the appointment has been booked, says that you have to print out your barcoded completed application form with to your appointment, but there is no barcoded form that is attached or created as part of your application. I did print out a screen copy of the completed form but they did not ask for it. They only required a paper copy of my ID - therefore - no barcoded form needed, and in fact - I think- it does not exists, nor is is there any functionality to generate it.

No idea if they plan to change this in the future, but as of Jan 2025, only a bring the paper copy of your ID to your appointment I also uploaded it digitally (of course).
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