Residents say no to Cellphone mast

"...who also believes the towers are especially dangerous for children. This was because their skulls were thinner than those of adults and the electromagnetic radiation interfered with brain development."

Wow, I guess he has the proof to go with that one, he-he.
How can a magnetic field disrupt the development of the human brain. Common people put a magnet next to your head... feel anything?????? NO, THE HUMAN BRAIN IS NOT MAGNETIC DAMMIT. It's because of people like these that don't like technology or scared of it that things like this happen. Oh and those that claim it can harm you are only looking for a bit of fame for themselves they are not trying to protect anyone by what they are saying, just looking to make a quick buck. People open your eyes just because one guy says that something is not good because he has some form of "proof" why are you gonna believe him while there is 10's or 100's of other studies that prove him wrong?

A classical example of this is about how dangerous second hand smoking is. The difference in someone's chance of getting lung cancer who has inhaled second hand smoke and someone who hasn't is the differnce between 12.5 out of 1000000 and 10 out of 1000000 that is a difference of 0.00025%, but by manupulating the figures someone said it's 25% now as far as i know 25% of 1000000 is 250000 not 2.5. The study that said it's 25% was thrown out of a federal court bexause of this. Point i'm making: DON'T BELIEVE STATISTICS OR ANYONE'S STUDY THEY CAN BE MANIPULATED BUT IF THERE ARE MORE THAN ONE ACCREDITED STUDY GIVING THE EXACT SAME RESULTS THERE MIGHT BE SOMETHING TO IT BUT MORE STUDIES ARE NEEDED TO PROVE IT.

Ps. I'm not saying smoking is good for you.
grim said:
How can a magnetic field disrupt the development of the human brain. Common people put a magnet next to your head... feel anything?????? NO, THE HUMAN BRAIN IS NOT MAGNETIC DAMMIT. It's because of people like these that don't like technology or scared of it that things like this happen. Oh and those that claim it can harm you are only looking for a bit of fame for themselves they are not trying to protect anyone by what they are saying, just looking to make a quick buck. People open your eyes just because one guy says that something is not good because he has some form of "proof" why are you gonna believe him while there is 10's or 100's of other studies that prove him wrong?

bottom line - as with many other things I do not know the answer to this seems apparent to me that human bodies have a signicant electrical field and this could potentially be interfered with...??? it does not seem to me that anyone is in a position to 100% deny or confirm this

enter the precautionary principle - as a parent of young kids would i want to expose them to an situation where i do not know whether it will affect them or not?
No one ever seems to ask this question...

the further away a tower from you are, the higher power your cellphone has to use to communicate with the tower...

essentially though standing 10 metres from a 10 meter high tower pumping out 25W is likely (something about directly proportional to the power and inversly proportional to the distance) safer (delivering around 1.75W at 14 metres sqrt(10^2+10^2)) than popping a 2W mobile phone on your skull.

It's been a while since I passed my radio licence, so I could be wrong on the calculations...

Having the tower closer also means the phone can put out as little as 250mW (an eigth of the maximum).

my 1/4 cent worth.

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What does the regulations say is the minimum safe distance for a cell tower? I seem to remember 40m but I don't know how that figure popped into my head ;)

150m would then be plenty.

@grim read this

google answered my question :D
150m is MORE than enough safe distance.

This looks like a fun project for a pre-school in the event that the tower do go up:
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sparklehorse said:
What does the regulations say is the minimum safe distance for a cell tower?

The safe distance differs depending on what standard or quantity is used. For example, the distance based on the current recommended maximum Specific Absorption Rate (SAR, ICNIRP standard) results in a minimum safe distance of about a metre! Another quantity that is used is the maximum allowable field strengths, which are more conservative limits, putting the safe distance at a few metres.
Basically you are quite safe already at a few metres!

SAR refers to the rate at which the body absorbs rf energy. Problem areas are your eyes and for the men, sorry to say, your crotch area. These areas are the slowest in dissipating the heat caused by rf energy.
Does anyone have an idea of how many watts are transmitted
on the 900 & 1800 Mhz bands? 40 watts maybe ?
ajax said:
Problem areas are your eyes and for the men, sorry to say, your crotch area. These areas are the slowest in dissipating the heat caused by rf energy.

Shouldnt drive with a phone between your legs then.
kilos said:
Does anyone have an idea of how many watts are transmitted
on the 900 & 1800 Mhz bands? 40 watts maybe ?

At 900 MHz, in most base station antennas, 40 W rms goes into the antenna port, but due to the gain of the antenna, right in front of the antenna the field strengths are higher compared to if you put 40 W into an isotropic radiator (a dipole sort of)
Not sure about 1800 MHz though, it is probably similar.
Oh well i am going to die !
Spent the last five years building tele. masts for all these people and about the last 10 years driving with my phone between me legs, and no its not because i like the vibration !:rolleyes:

Most of the time it boils down to money, who are MTN paying to put the tower up on their property and who down the road is pi$$ed because its not them.

I know that the cell companys are very strict about how close they build to schools etc. and they have a huge amount of paper work to get done before they can start. Believe me its not all about driving down the road and saying "Lets put one here "
I have to agree with some of the earlier comments. People who are uninformed about the matter are making up ludicrous statements and scaring the hell out of every1 else.

Interference with the body's electromagnetic field.... Penetrating a kids "thin" skull... ??????? are these people out of their mind??? Do they think cramming a cellphone next to their brain for a few hours every day is any better?
web said:
I know that the cell companys are very strict about how close they build to schools etc. and they have a huge amount of paper work to get done before they can start. Believe me its not all about driving down the road and saying "Lets put one here "

LOL, my school had an MTN mast right on the premisis just outside our hall and near our 3 story classroom building. Probably had to do with the fact that MTN was paying the school to keep it there.
Having a mast near is dangerous! well right next to your head that is!
maybe if they make it look like a fake tree it will look better?
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