Richard Catto advocates genocide of Afrikaner nation

Not open for further replies. (previously at was deliberately baited and trolled by myself.

Their previous blogger blog was removed by Google for contravening their T&C.

Most of their content is (and was) derogatory and racist speech directed at black people by mostly Afrikaans speaking people.

Their content was offensive to many South African bloggers.

I baited them by deliberately posting anti-Boer comments to their blog.

They have been crying about it since last year already.

Please be more discerning about what you read online (about me).

Despite threats from various people to report me to the HRC, I have yet to be contacted by them.
I think people want you dead, nevermind the HRC. And they would be using your reasoning and solution to everything. Wouldn't that be ironic.

I use a Dr Phil quote:

"Get real, real quick."

Don't go judging an entire people and spread hate speech and the call for their murders just cause you don't agree with some of them. Thats so 1930's.. You make us english saffirs look like complete morons.
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I think people want you dead, nevermind the HRC. And they would be using your reasoning and solution to everything. Wouldn't that be ironic.

I use a Dr Phil quote:

"Get real, real quick."

Don't go judging an entire people and spread hate speech and the call for their murders just cause you don't agree with some of them. Thats so 1930's.. You make us english saffirs look like complete morons.

If this guy actually is the real guy. Then all I can say is I agree 100% with your post. This guy makes us English look like idiots.
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Do you not have other toys to play with or better things to do?


There is, however, a rich irony (and hypocrisy) to observe.

On the one hand, these folks have sung and danced and pranced and screamed and shouted online about my alleged racism and hate speech after receiving only a few barbs from me.

And then on the other hand, many of them heap daily racist abuse on blacks and their naked hated speech is largely ignored by black people.

You don't observe groups of black bloggers going around yelling about their racism. You don't see black bloggers committed to unmasking these anonymous right wingers and bringing them to "justice".

They are essentially ignored and seen for what they are - a lunatic fringe.
so you stoop to that level? makes no sense, sorry. (previously at was deliberately baited and trolled by myself.

Their previous blogger blog was removed by Google for contravening their T&C.

Most of their content is (and was) derogatory and racist speech directed at black people by mostly Afrikaans speaking people.

Their content was offensive to many South African bloggers.

I baited them by deliberately posting anti-Boer comments to their blog.

They have been crying about it since last year already.

Please be more discerning about what you read online (about me).

Despite threats from various people to report me to the HRC, I have yet to be contacted by them.

so why is this any more real that anything else you have posted anywhere else? You say that you were deliberately trolling. Well maybe you weren't. Those are your real thoughts and now that you've been hauled up here with a direct hit on your pocket you are changing your tune.

Bah! Go away.
may i ask? why even post this? is it widely disseminated? is it a view held by many? i don't understand what bringing it to the fore adds?
so you stoop to that level? makes no sense, sorry.



If those statements are yours, you seem to be on the opposite side of the lunatic fringe. Speak of hypocrisy, but when you do so, always look long and hard at yourself before it bites you in the arse like it does so many people who speak of it.

You are letting those people control you.
English(-speaking) and British are two different things. A South African English person is called "English" but is not a Brit at all (in spite of the fact that South African Afrikaners often conflate the two), or at least most are not Brits, although some are of British decent. The insult "pom" generally refers specifically to Brits.

Yeah, just like all South Africans (except white Afrikaners) call white Afrikaners "Boere" (or "boor" more often than not). WTF? (previously at was deliberately baited and trolled by myself.

You also propagated hate speech in the process, no matter what your excuse.

Trying to explain it away is just as good as saying Hitler advocated wiping out the Jews just to bait the Allies. Unfortunately no one took him out at that point and we all how that worked out.

Think before you open your mouth.
I am a white English Christian. A confirmed Anglican. I attend Church regularly.

Wow... Whatever happened to 'love thy neighbour', buddy? By the tone of your blog, sir, I fail to see how you can call yourself a Christian. You have no love for your fellow man.
I baited them by deliberately posting anti-Boer comments to their blog.
You sure post far and wide on the Internet just to bait that one blog. And most of the commentary was on YOUR OWN blog (still in Google Cache). Apparently you needed to bait them at the south african insult blog too where you wrote to Sarah Britten "... I’m entitled to my, “One Boer, one bullet”" (change * to k in URL). Apparently you also had to bait them at the "Inside Candy" blog where you wrote: "You have no idea the amount of antipathy I hold towards white Afrikaners ... What I regret is that these bastards still suck air." I'm sure I could find more examples if I looked around.

Please be more discerning about what you read online (about me).
Don't worry, I don't have to judge based on what I read "about" you, I can judge by reading your own words. For example here are some more of your own words, from all over:


-- Begin Mr Catto quotes --

' the white Afrikaner Christian a complete and utter train wreck fully on the road nay highway to hell '.

18 November 2007 at 2:18
'**** them! We must persecute these ****ers into extinction. I want them gone. Permanently. All of them.'

18 November 2007 - 2:49
"that means that now we can start smashing in their doors at 4am and detaining them for as long as we like.'

19 November 2007 5:23
'You are another known racist piece of ****. You confess that you are a Boer. That is good enough for me. I'm ordering your summary execution.The Boer's day in South Africa is OVER. It's time you ****ers get the hell out of my country.'

20 November 2007 Comment 51 Page 13/33
"We must purify this land from the disease of the Dutchman. This means we must tear down every Voortrekker monument, demolish the Castle and evict from their graves each Boer bastard who ever slept on this soil. We must throw every remnant of these bitches into the deep blue sea where the devil can take them all.'

20 November 2007 - 17:31 page 13/33
'You deserve to be butchered alive.'

20 November 2007 - "The Boer bitches must leave South Africa or change their tune. I want them gone. permanently.'

24 November 2007 Message 83 p 19/33
"The Boer is a dangerous political animal. He is NOT to be laughed at. He is impervious to reason. The only thing that can stop this dangerous animal is a bullet. Or so it would seem. South Africa begs to be free of these racist bastards. We need to put an end to them. They remain a dangerous virus'.

24 November 2007 - Message 87 p 28/33
"They must be crushed like the sordid disease infected bugs that they are.'

11 December 2007 - Message 115 page 28/33

"I honestly don't care if racist Boers organise themselves into militia and begin arn armed struggle. I welcome that. It would be the perfect opportunity to eradicate their stench from South Africa. That's a National Service I would volunteer for.'

13 June 2008 - "The government did contact me. They asked me how many assault rifles I need to clear Bergvliet of all Boers.'

11 June 2008 "I see you are just another racist ****. You dare to defend the actions of the youth responsible for the Skielik shootings. Those cleaners were fed urine. I don't buy your bull**** line, bitch. Yeah, I'd like to kill you and your entire genetic line in a heart beat: Genocide is GOOD when the bad guys are being killed...'

-- End Mr Catto quotes --

Mr. Catto, I don't know what the Boers really did to you, but for your own good, please get some professional help - you are clearly a somewhat sick or misguided man and going off the rails further. It's not too late, never too late.. thought your motive might be financial but reading the above, who knows.
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@rrcatto, we're not any different, you and me. We're both descent from settlers. The only difference is, my ancestors were here some time before yours. And your ancestors already attempted a genocide on mine. Fortunately for you, my ancestors were not as vengeful as you are. Instead, they forgave, and forgot - yes forgot! Most Afrikaner kids don't even know what sort of torture your ancestors put their forefathers through, let alone care or harbour hate and plot revenge over it. Instead, they included you in their little social club. They made your native tongue an official language of their country. They even made it compulsory for their children to learn to read, write and speak English. Even to this day, if you were the only English speaking person in group of Afrikaans speaking people, chances are that these kind folk will all switch to English, voluntarily, to accommodate you!

The sad thing is, if you met me completely randomly, you wouldn't in your wildest dreams think that I'm not English speaking. My English, for one thing, is probably better than yours. I, most likely, have better manners than you. You'd probably like me, maybe even introduce me to your daughter and give me your blessing to marry her.

Why don't you just own up to what you wrote (repeatedly) and admit that you may be wrong about this particular group of people. Concede that the Eugene Terreblanch, the Boeremag types that make headline news, and the religious nut-jobs, is but an insignificant handful, who clearly don't share the views of the majority of Afrikaans speaking people - the same majority who, in the end, when they had absolutely nothing to gain and everything to lose, voted against Apartheid.

Speaking of religion, if you have been to few "English" churches other than your own, you would know that there are as many religious nut-jobs amongst the English speaking South Africans. The only reason they didn't also respond so passionately to Deon Maas' article, is because, again, so many of your people can't understand a word of Afrikaans.

Rapport couldn't care less about people's religious beliefs. They're not concerned with that - they're there for your money. They got rid of Deon Maas' article because their readership - yes, the people who pay money to read their publication - was clearly upset by it. It's a financial decision, nothing else.
What can you say about any comment like this from whatever side of the political/language/colour line, shocking and certainly deserves to be persued by the authorities. Perhaps a free membership to the ANCYL as an award for intellegent comments (he says dripping sarcasm!).
@rrcatto, we're not any different, you and me. We're both descent from settlers. The only difference is, my ancestors were here some time before yours. And your ancestors already attempted a genocide on mine. Fortunately for you, my ancestors were not as vengeful as you are. Instead, they forgave, and forgot - yes forgot! Most Afrikaner kids don't even know what sort of torture your ancestors put their forefathers through, let alone care or harbour hate and plot revenge over it. Instead, they included you in their little social club. They made your native tongue an official language of their country. They even made it compulsory for their children to learn to read, write and speak English. Even to this day, if you were the only English speaking person in group of Afrikaans speaking people, chances are that these kind folk will all switch to English, voluntarily, to accommodate you!

The sad thing is, if you met me completely randomly, you wouldn't in your wildest dreams think that I'm not English speaking. My English, for one thing, is probably better than yours. I, most likely, have better manners than you. You'd probably like me, maybe even introduce me to your daughter and give me your blessing to marry her.

Why don't you just own up to what you wrote (repeatedly) and admit that you may be wrong about this particular group of people. Concede that the Eugene Terreblanch, the Boeremag types that make headline news, and the religious nut-jobs, is but an insignificant handful, who clearly don't share the views of the majority of Afrikaans speaking people - the same majority who, in the end, when they had absolutely nothing to gain and everything to lose, voted against Apartheid.

Speaking of religion, if you have been to few "English" churches other than your own, you would know that there are as many religious nut-jobs amongst the English speaking South Africans. The only reason they didn't also respond so passionately to Deon Maas' article, is because, again, so many of your people can't understand a word of Afrikaans.

Rapport couldn't care less about people's religious beliefs. They're not concerned with that - they're there for your money. They got rid of Deon Maas' article because their readership - yes, the people who pay money to read their publication - was clearly upset by it. It's a financial decision, nothing else.


You have absolutely said the right thing. Nice. ;)

Evidence would show that the British aren't the angels they made out to be...
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