SA has "Independent Internet" plans with BRICS

Yes because the cable has to pass through a western nation to be compromised. the fact that there is 12,000km of exposed underwater cable that can be tapped at any point is not a concern.
And here i thought we shouldn't think like "africans", i thought we were considered "western" (as opposed to whatever China is). China/Russia should be more concerned about how much spying/data leakage will happen right here in SA due to our own government not knowing security out of a paper bag. The USA will just visit the Johburg Metro website and find all they need right there...
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“Government takes seriously all threats that can compromise the integrity and privacy of all online communications,"

LIES! They have their own measures in place to spy on people.

The meaning of the word "all" has not changed since the last time I looked. I checked it now.
the idea of an "independent internet" is laughable and really just a political ruse of nonsense BUT the project has a lot of merit - look at shipping route implications and B2B outsourcing projects
Agh not this bullship again.

An independent internet ? Is that why there's an extension going to Miami ?
This is just a marketing ploy, for politicians to fund the new project with the illusion that it'll give them certain protection
So from 2017 we'll only be able to connect to br, ru, in, cn and za TLDs? Our own BRICSnet to rival the internet!

nope because we will still connect though WACS and Seacom and so on while using the root domain system for TLDs and so on through our various ISPs
all that will happen is that some traffic will route through a Brics cable and there will be more options.

However the cable will allow Brics governments to set up their own JWICS like structure which will be more immune to US espionage.

Of course the existence of a Brics alternate might give an authoritarian government the belief that they can dictate cutting off from the evil western imperial internet ...
I think it is a good idea the more international bandwidth the better .
while they are about it they can create a financial clearing house as well with any currency but $s.
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