SA to switch on digital TV signal
South Africa will switch on its digital broadcasting signal on Thursday
South Africa will switch on its digital broadcasting signal on Thursday
I guess people with DSTV don't need it?
even with DSTV, there's not much on these days...
Bruce Springsteen said it best : "57 channels and nothing on"
No... I think they wont be on the DSTV bouquet yet.
Its the people with digital TV's that wont have to get the set top box
No, no, need to browse this forum because there are thousands of posts on DTT where you can get all the info. STB's won't be available commercially before the middle of next year(due to issues of standardisation) but I guess DVB-T2 tv card should do the trick.
Dunno where you got your info on "digital tv's" not needing an STB...all tv's will need one unless you've got a tv with one built-in and that's still a long way off.
I am looking forward to the moans and uproars of the masses that will find themselves on the wrong side of the "digital cliff".
Far to many people have become used to snowy pictures on their analog receivers and they will find that if they switch to digital, there is no picture at all.
Remember, digital needs a pretty good quality signal in order to assemble a picture of it.
*sigh.... please quote a link for this.
What absolute rubbish.
Digital TV = can view a digital signal.
Not if the encoding of the signal does not match... I might be wrong, but they will be encoding the signal to discourage pirate viewing?
Not to mention the "artifacts" which occur when the signal gets corrupted slightly....
So are they turning on the digital signal today.... and no one will be able to watch it for 6 months ?