
Executive Member
Dec 7, 2005
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SANRAL Fraud Hotline has detected a scam where an imposter represents themselves as SANRAL personnel and starts off by confirming the person’s personal details - including ID number, name and address. The SANRAL customer is then informed that SANRAL wants to reward them with a R1500.00 cash back bonus for not claiming any funds. The fraudster asks the person for banking details.

SANRAL wishes to inform the public that such calls and offers are scams and warns those targeted to be aware and not be taken in. SANRAL does not reveal personal information and does not offer any bonuses or rewards. Please do not respond to such calls. SANRAL will not be held liable for any resulting losses.

Road Users may report suspicious calls to SANRAL’s Fraud Hotline/Tip-Offs Anonymous:

· Toll-Free Phone No: 0800 204 558

· E-mail: [email protected]
Pay the R1500 it's cheaper than what SANRAL is going to screw you over for.....
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