SAPA hard drives stolen in “strange” robbery

Cue entire SAPA archive being loaded onto wikileaks :D

Strange my arse.... somebody wanted that data... there must be something interesting on those harddrives...
I've got a felling someone dirty laundry is either going to disappear, or will be made public.
Computer motherboards and hard drives were stripped and taken on Sunday, Sapa’s IT manager Munetsi Chiunda said.

They want to be able to boot them. Curious.
Porn collection was too big to take home via USB flash drive, so went with plan B.
It could just be good old fashioned burglary, the guys doing it had the common sense and time to strip the expensive bits from the computers. Easier to put in a bag, than to try and get out with a bunch of minitowers.

In the article:

“Generally, Sapa’s IT equipment is so old and slow it’s hard to believe any ordinary burglar would want to steal it.

Old PC's are worth very little.
it's no coincidence that the Hard Drives were stolen days before their shut down. There is important information on those drives...
Then they only needed the drives, not the motherboards.

To verify the info, build a trail etc etc.. then make the info disappear and start targeting the individuals who built up the info in the first place?
uhm...who recently announced they're starting a Wire service?

One of the other news companies....

Mighty strange coincidence....
Don't worry Garyvdh backed it all up onto MyBB for you guys :D
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