Skype to be shaped by Telkom

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can telkom really be this stupid... it is as if they trully want a war on their hands... i can only see the telkom share price dropping if there is mass public action.

just a question... i use iburst which i think runs through uunet... would it effect all people regardless... or just guys on asdl?
I have had similar problems to Neuvians. I use various packages, but the degradation of the downlink on Skype has become more and more noticeable.

They can hear me fine, but the quality of their voice on my end is beginning to suck!

I have no doubt that Telkom have been playing with this for a long-time, and it is just a matter of time before they perfect it. We need hard evidence that they are doing this, and then we can lay charges with Competition Commision and ICASA.
Surely this thread should be in the VOIP forum? Some good suggestions and points have been made, and with the rather controversial content the OT forum has presented, this specific thread should be featured in a relevant and existing forum?
Sad but true...

i must say, the reason i found this thread was because my scype effectively died slowly over the last 3 weeks, i have relatives overseas and scypeout was a primary reason for my adsl connection. it has gotten to a point where I can no longer connect any calls, the most i get is a ring or 2 or if lucky a "hello" and the call gets cut. have tried several other voip service providers (e.g. and it is the exact same scenario with each one. that's when I started to suspect telkom might have a hand in this.
And I agree that this is a good thing, because this is gonna cause a ****storm with more than a few 100 000 adsl users, as it affects even 56k users (scype "used" to work quite ok on 56k too) and more importantly a lot of smme's that rely on scype for international buisness calls as they can't afford regular telkom prices...

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Telscum must be stopped!!! I'm starting a chain-mail about it right now...!!
in the mean time send a private message to clipse or mr. beep to find out how to set up an unshaped proxy that would allow an acceptable and stable connection. it works, i've tried it
iBurst, I heard is doing the same now. My opinion is it must either be true, or their connectivity is just naturally bad! Also: http and email only (when the network is not too busy).
I dunno what's been happening with all of your lines over the past month or two but Skype has been working perfectly fine for myself and everyone else I know (Yes in SA :p) BUT.... HELP! My family are like gonna skin me alive... pretty much all my immediate family got ADSL JUST so that they could get the best out of Skype :(:( Maybe I should suggest they all move to Britain next...
w1z4rd said:
Okay, just got off the phone from an undercover Telkom person. Sype is to be shaped (heavily). That has nothing to do with what port it uses, but every thing to do with packet headers.

So expect your Skype to go pear shaped. Im sure this is anti competive behaviour. I run a skype phone at home (cheaper prices, and i dont suffer from a degraded service), so this is going to effect me.

Since Skype is now a US company (under eBay) and this act of Telkom seems
anti-competitive maybe filing a complaint or complaints at the FTC would help?$.startup?Z_ORG_CODE=PU01
Email, I have similar problems with skype, they have a local service for there connectivety for ADSL clients and it works very well, quality is good.

Well, if one could not too sure, Skype must just start to Stuff them about,
thats what they do with us aint it?? Mess with the packet headers as much as possible make it not possible for them to control the system.
We are the developers, the more you want to control us the more they Inspired to be creative and get round it :cool:

As VOIP concern is a cheaper solution to skype.
:cool: Landline are Free...:)

Just stick to geather and avoid em when eva possible..

Blocking SkyPE packets in Saudia Arabia

Well Telkom is acting very much their fellow telco in Saudia Arabia.

See article below about Saudi Telco

Products blocking various ports, Telkom looking for some more products

1)They use Narus these products are certified
by the Chinese National Networks (I bet for blocking porn into China)

Thanks Franna for that link

Quote from the website also used by Telecom Egypt
For example, now when someone in Riyadh clicks on Skype's "call" button, Narus's software, installed on the carrier's network, swoops into action. It analyzes the packets flowing across the network, notices what protocols they adhere to, and flags the call as VoIP. In most cases, it can even identify the specific software being used, such as Skype's.
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Hi guys

I am on the verge of having VOIP installed between my 4 branches. The hardware and software is going to cost a lot of money, but then i found out about Skype. I have 512ADSL lines installed at all my branches and the head office has 2 dialup accounts (2 x 3GB).

I want to use Skype as an alternative to having the SFX units installed.

How will the shaping from Telkom affect me? Do i need more bandwidth or faster lines?
kilos said:
Products blocking various ports, Telkom looking for some more products

1)They use Narus these products are certified
by the Chinese National Networks (I bet for blocking porn into China)

Thanks Franna for that link

If Telkom would just stop spending so much money on netenforcers and use some of that money to install proper network backhauls we won't be stuck with 50:1 contention ratios and there won't be any need for port shaping, protocol shaping, capping, or any of that crap. Its time Telkom started offering 10:1 or 5:1 contention ratios like a proper telecoms company. They are treating the symptoms and not the cause!
kcarrim said:
Hi guys

I am on the verge of having VOIP installed between my 4 branches. The hardware and software is going to cost a lot of money, but then i found out about Skype. I have 512ADSL lines installed at all my branches and the head office has 2 dialup accounts (2 x 3GB).

I want to use Skype as an alternative to having the SFX units installed.

How will the shaping from Telkom affect me? Do i need more bandwidth or faster lines?
That will depend on how telkom shapes voip. Most likely a faster line or more bandwidth won't help you. You need something that is not shaped.
Skype is not the answer for business. They have good marketing but no interoperability with other systems. It should not cost a lot to do VOIP between branches depending on requirements. You can even gets ADSL modems with VOIP ports built in and that gets quite cost effective. Tie that all into an Asterisk Opensource pabx at your HQ and provided the bandwidth on ADSL is kind to you, you have a working solution.
I dont believe SAIX will ever purposefully shape (rate manage) any 'unliked' protocols (Skype, VoIP -> RTP, P2P) within the ADSL part of their network (incl. IPC links) as its way to processor intensive. What can/do is identify what they 'like' and give it priority, thereby degrading the 'unliked' during times of congestion.


I got myself a 2gig unshaped (saix) account from SAOL this month solely to get Scype working. As it was "unshaped" I foresaw no problems. Low and behold, it seems that unshaped accounts are not as "unshaped" as telkom would have you think! Scype satill does not work!! :eek: :mad:

Has anybody got scype on unshaped, i'd like some corroboration on this one?
We have done numerous tests on saix unshaped accounts, their definitely not unshaped.

From my side all I can say, beware and make sure what you buy it for.
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