Honorary Master
The argument for the facts?? This isnt about choosing which theory you prefer. Sometimes facts are scarce. That's how we learn things, we get more info as we discover more. It doesnt mean the facts have to have an alluring argument. It also does not mean you should jump onto the more scandalous "alternative facts" theories.
What conspiracies ended up being true?
You see, when one calls @LCBXX and tell him your laptop isn't starting, he immediately knows the cause and the fix, no investigation required, no wrong direction with initial troubleshooting, he just knows what's wrong and how to fix it, immediately, without more details.
When the local power goes off he is that one on the whatsapp group that wants to know after 1 minute when it will be turned on, because everyone knows everything right away, need need for technicians to get into a vehicle and drive to a substation of anything like that.
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