South Africans aren’t bad drivers – They’re bad people

There are bad drivers. Example- Gen Z thickos who just got their license and don't know how to drive.
Repeat that slowly... They've just gotten their licenses, plus have you seen k53, btw Gen Z is 12 to 27 so there are plenty of Gen Z who've been driving for 9 years already.
More like bad people driving very badly.
For example, I was out driving recently where a driver overtook a car on a solid white line, on an incline where he initially had no view of my car while he was approaching me. He then had the gall to flash his car's lights at me, expecting me to go into the yellow lane when he saw that he's not going to make it back into his lane with another car also approaching. The proper thing he should have done was to ease back into his lane and overtake when it was safe to do so.
So there are bad drivers, but yes- many bad people. Lots and lots of people with poor mental health, and of course, lots of assholery. So what's new?
The problem is that the taxi industry encourages drivers to drive like they are stealing it to make more profit.

Every driver on our roads has to deal with this and over time as well as due to the experience of being in taxis before becoming a driver yourself, people learn that driving like you stole it is the norm. Because taxis and now more and more people drive like this the rest of the drivers start doing it as well as a form of survival.
Suzuki jimny driver are hopefully included in the list, driving at 80km/h on the highway in the fast lane and refusing to move over while keeping that smug look on their faces, they remind me of the people from that Southpark episode where all the smug electric car drives are sniffing and savoring their own farts. I seriously dislike those wankers more than taxi's.
More like bad people driving very badly.
For example, I was out driving recently where a driver overtook a car on a solid white line, on an incline where he initially had no view of my car while he was approaching me. He then had the gall to flash his car's lights at me, expecting me to go into the yellow lane when he saw that he's not going to make it back into his lane with another car also approaching. The proper thing he should have done was to ease back into his lane and overtake when it was safe to do so.
He probably realised it is too late and made a poo poo in his pants. You could have done the right thing and just go into the yellow lane. There is no need to always prove yourself. It's not worth the risk.
This is one of those rare occasions where you can say regardless of race, 90% all bad.
Suzuki jimny driver are hopefully included in the list, driving at 80km/h on the highway in the fast lane and refusing to move over while keeping that smug look on their faces, they remind me of the people from that Southpark episode where all the smug electric car drives are sniffing and savoring their own farts. I seriously dislike those wankers more than taxi's.
The problem on the N3 is all the trucks taking up all the other lanes, leaving only one lane for faster vehicles.
Years ago, I once helped teach one of my apprentices to drive. I told him driving a car is like holding a loaded gun in your hand, waving it around in a crowd with the safety off. Remember that and you'll always drive more carefully and consider those around you.
He probably realised it is too late and made a poo poo in his pants. You could have done the right thing and just go into the yellow lane. There is no need to always prove yourself. It's not worth the risk.
I did go into the yellow lane to avoid a head-on collision, but what if it wasn't safe for me to do so? There may have been a small or even no shoulder to speak of. That's something you get often on the R59 between Sasolburg and Parys where I was driving at that stage. There even may have been an immobile car with engine problems in the yellow lane, which would have put me into harm's way.

If one really wants to nitpick, it actually in most cases is against the Road Traffic Act to do so. As per Regulation 298A:
"Regulation 298A of the National Road Traffic Act stipulates that yellow lane driving is forbidden, except in the following instances:
- If there is a genuine emergency like a breakdown, when rushing to hospital or if you need to stop suddenly for a medical or other emergency.
- On a freeway, only emergency vehicles may use the yellow lane.
- Furthermore, the yellow lane may never be used as a passing lane on a freeway.
However, there is an exception to the yellow lane rule.

On single lane carriageways, vehicles are permitted to move over to the yellow lane to allow faster vehicles to pass, but this is subject to a number of conditions:
- There must be no chance of endangering anyone’s life.
- There must be a clear 150 metres of visibility in front of you. Thus, you may not drive in the yellow lane on a blind rise or in heavy rain or fog.

- Most importantly, drivers may only use the yellow lane during daylight hours."
Suzuki jimny driver are hopefully included in the list, driving at 80km/h on the highway in the fast lane and refusing to move over while keeping that smug look on their faces, they remind me of the people from that Southpark episode where all the smug electric car drives are sniffing and savoring their own farts. I seriously dislike those wankers more than taxi's.
It's a Jimny, just drive over it.
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