South Africans going off-grid and kissing Eskom goodbye


Jul 29, 2021
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South Africans kissing Eskom goodbye

Eskom, South Africa’s state-owned power utility, struggles to generate and supply a stable flow of electricity to meet demand. In 2023, there were times when households and businesses had no power for up to 11 hours a day. Eskom has warned that load shedding will be worse in 2024.

The result is that many South Africans are choosing to end or reduce their dependence on the national electricity grid. The approaches people are taking are still evolving. Some are choosing to cut off their reliance on local government, which is responsible for local electricity distribution and reticulation. Others are opting to add solar and battery power while retaining municipal power for backup.
Is "kissing" the new "massive"?

Jisis lots of people and companies kissing lotsa things away these days according to mybb.

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