**** them, Ill drive without it like
My solution works perfectly fine for my use case and lifestyle.. there are so many better options than sucking government d**k and attempting to be a rational pawn in a broken and immoral system:
a) Drive a cheap car that you wash once maybe every 6 months, just make sure it's dirty but structurally perfect. Extra points if you wear a stained or faded T-shirt with visible holes/gaps around the neck area. (e.g. EVERY T-Shirt in my closet except one or two)
b) Don't drive like a p**s. You'll save fuel that way and the next robot is going to be out anyway... or get a 1.2Liter car like me, then you can't f**k up even if you wanted to... they also have great value once you reach depreciation rock bottom but keep it structurally sound and well serviced.
c) Always keep your vehicle license up-to-date (so they don't spot-check stop you at roadblocks).. it also shows you
do care about legalities and you're not a complete f-up, but you're not a submissive pussy... or you're compartmentally forgetful, paradoxical, complicated, as long as no-one wants to deal with you or try to understand you you're winning 'cause you're a nuisance, and a seemingly cheap/poor one at that... "off you go"
d) Never look them in the eye at a roadblock, look annoyed (not at them, but at your existence) and distracted into the distance while lighting a cigarette... change that attitude to the complete opposite if it doesn't work,
nicest person in the Southern Hemisphere vibe.
e) Get a signed eye exam and filled in license application form, keep it in the cubby. When stopped pull it out and make self deprecating jokes about how you're an idiot and didn't prioritise the license dept. visit (even though you have everything you need on hand...
wanna see officer?!?)... you're obviously vewwy-vewwy sorry for being a klutz.... wêêê!
f) Keep 100-500 bucks or so in cash on you or in a hiding spot in the car, in case you get asked "the question" (has never happened to me, I'm the last person in SA who's never been asked for a bribe apparently)
g) If all else fails, smile, be real nice.... and just ignore the fine... it might go away by itself anyway in a few years when there's an inevitable scandal regarding postage notification legalities etc.
h) If "
all else fails" also failed, just pay their stupid fine, the effort and money involved pales in comparison to any effort and money you'll spend on being "legal" and the frequency of it happening also a no-brainer. Time is money, and a bad license renewal experience can be the ultimate waste of both.
Life in SA hands you many challenges, this isn't one of them, unless you allow it to be one.
If a vending machine is broken, you don't keep dropping coins into it because that's what the machine expects, you either move on, bliksem the thing into submission, or fix it.
The exact same is true for governments.