Victory for freedom of speech in South Africa — with huge privacy implications
The Supreme Court of Appeal has ruled in favour of animal rights activist Bool Smuts, who publicly posted another man’s name, address, telephone numbers, workplace, and picture on Facebook.
Smuts posted the particulars of Herman Botha online — a practise referred to as “doxing” — after being sent photos of a baboon and porcupine that had been trapped on his farm and left to die of dehydration.
The Supreme Court of Appeal has ruled in favour of animal rights activist Bool Smuts, who publicly posted another man’s name, address, telephone numbers, workplace, and picture on Facebook.
Smuts posted the particulars of Herman Botha online — a practise referred to as “doxing” — after being sent photos of a baboon and porcupine that had been trapped on his farm and left to die of dehydration.