Telkom exploring sale of minority stake in Openserve

I am not interested in the woes faced by Telkom but I want to know whether the sale will be great for the consumer, or not.
We are a country that perfect cartel behaviour. Piesang Raad, Mielie Raad, Left-Handed Miller's Associations.... The consumer rarely wins in SA...
However, Openserve’s fibre network dwarfs its competitors when looking at the amount of cable in the ground — over 169,000km compared to Vumatel and DFA’s combined 44,000km.

I see this every once in a while and what I really like to know is where does OpenServe have fibre where others don't? Is there a map? Are there some more specific statistics? How much of that fibres is lit and what does the traffic in those fibre look like?

I mean you can brag about your fibre but if it is fibre to nowhere it doesn't mean much?
First they sell their gold mine vodacom shares, now they want to sell another gold mine of fixed line infrastructure?
First they sell their gold mine vodacom shares, now they want to sell another gold mine of fixed line infrastructure?
The problem is that the gold mine depends on management. Vodacom the would not have been such a gold mine if it wasn't sold - e.g. the cash in the bank is worth more than Telkom's ownership AND involvement. OpenServe will probably be worth more if it isn't managed by Telkom..
I see this every once in a while and what I really like to know is where does OpenServe have fibre where others don't? Is there a map? Are there some more specific statistics? How much of that fibres is lit and what does the traffic in those fibre look like?

I mean you can brag about your fibre but if it is fibre to nowhere it doesn't mean much?
Openserve is almost everywhere there is or was a landline
If Vodacom gets involved, I'll lose all interest in OpenServe. Currently, I'd love to dump Vumatel for them, but it will be a while before they're also in my area.
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