OK tell me if you promote streaming on your service and people starts to stream. Then when they stream too much you change your mind.
I've moved away from ADSL and P2P and streams everything through Netflix(4K), Showmax and Youtube(4K)
I've got A UHD(4K) TV and there isn't a lot of 4K content available out there. Now Telkom PROMOTE streaming on there web page, adverts etc. and MANY guys moved over and went the legal way. 4K uses 10+gb/hour of data and then there's the other TV's and tablets in the house that uses 1080P(3gb-5gb/hour). So 187GB in 7 days is nothing. All legal streaming.
There MUST be a legal argument against what Telkom is going at this stage, there AUP is vague with no defined limits.