Telkom wins “landmark” court case against Vodacom

So company A lays conduits/ducts for it's infrastructure and company B just comes along and uses it? Aikona!
Voda engineer goes to tower, plan the job, contractor appoints sub contractor to go and do the job. He see a duct and use it. Telkom visit their tower and see this. I am sure if Voda was ask nicely they would have remove their stuff.
So company A lays conduits/ducts for it's infrastructure and company B just comes along and uses it? Aikona!
There is a bigger issue at play here.

Yes, maybe VC were taking a chance here (and I have not read the judgement) but did VC make any form of application to Telkom (Openserve) to share their facilities.

We all laugh but for years we as consumers have been moaning about the slow rollout of broadband. One of the biggest stumbling blocks was every Telco having to dig up roads to lay their our pipes (civil works). Some metros have taken action and are trying to force Telcos to share pipes, ducts, etc.

I support facilities leasing... but ICASA have been dragging their heels for the last 10+ years on this.
Sharing is correct way, but sharing for free without permission and paying lawyers for defending case, it is what Vodacom was doing. Good luck Vodacom in the forthcoming appeal. :)
Sharing is correct way, but sharing for free without permission and paying lawyers for defending case, it is what Vodacom was doing. Good luck Vodacom in the forthcoming appeal. :)

Again there could be info that we are not seeing in the brief article, eg. how did "Telkom" come to own the ducts in the complex? Many moons ago "Telkom" would "provide" the ducts to the complex developer for them to place in the trenches that were dug up while doing the civil work (water, sewerage, etc). These ducts never appeared on Telkom's asset register as it was impossible to keep track of it. Yes, the process did change later but how was it done at this complex?

Did VC ask the HoA or BC for permission?

PS. will wait to read the ruling...
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