That's an epic battery. I have the 10/8 (only two of us at home these days most of the time). The only caveat is that you get redundancy with more than one - if one needs to RMA, you still have backup. That's why getting multiple eTowers was my first choice, but there was no stock at the time. That said, the lites are so much easier on the eyes than the eTowers.
These are solid batteries. I'd hate to know what your 20/16 weighs. I mounted mine on the wall (2x M10 rawl bolts) to free up the floor space in my garage. Does the 20/16 come with mounting holes? How many? To be completely honest, my bigger worry with wall mounting are the machine screws that hold the back plate to the battery... rawl bolts will be fine, but the fact that the whole thing is attached to that back plate by a bunch of (fairly short) machine screws... hmm... maybe I'm being silly.