I have no interest in paying this tax. I dont have a tv but a video monitor connecting to netflix. I dont feel a need to pay a tax for it. Has anyone seen the total rubbish on SABC lately? I havent seen it for 8 years, but honestly it's always been pathetic.
Why dont they just make it a subscription service. ie you supply decoders that wants SABC and then it's paid for by those subscribing.
We had money before to fix roads, but you siphoned it off for corruption, then they borrowed billions and stole that too, then we got the fuel levy to cover for something that we already paid for, but was stolen due to corruption, then you needed other tax and stole from the fuel levy. So now we pay almost half the cost of fuel in taxes (taxes thats being swindled anyway). We are being milked dry. Till there is nothing left.
Honestly get out of the country!!!!!
The DA is utterly a useless disgrace of an opposition party. If they havent noticed that most Cape Townians want to go back to our own country like we were in 1910, then they can fail with the rest of the state.
People will be milked dry till there is nothing left, and then it will go to civil war, till everyone that had money will be dead. We saw this in so many countries. Cambodia especially.