The ANC wants government to tax every household to fund the SABC

The ANC wants government to tax every household to fund the SABC

The ANC wants taxpayers fund the SABC through a "household levy" which every home in South Africa would be forced to pay, reports the Sunday Times.
What next? The government’s parastatals are all bankrupt so they need to raise bailouts somehow. And still they get voted in. When will the minions open their eyes to what the ANC has done to the country.
good. good, everything is proceeding as I have foreseen. he he he.

And what about the millions of anc voters who pay no tax whatever?
Doesn’t bother me at all. I will continue to not pay.
Good for you
Tax every household to fund the SABC

The emphasis being on the word EVERY!
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There it is again - the ignorant, socialist mindset. The fact that they are incompetent, corrupt and incapable of rendering an actual service somehow doesn't feature. Just grab as much as you can as fast as you can. What a sad Banana republic we have become.
Thanks to the ANC (default choice for most lemmings)? Or thanks to the void -- trustworthy political parties that have leaders with integrity, and have stated policies that are actually worth voting for.
“Every household is assumed to have a television. It does not matter whether you watch it or not,” said NEC chair Nkenke Kekana.
So now I am expected to pay for a TV that I don't have and "content" (cANCer party propaganda) that I have zero interest in.

Can I at least get an A1 sized poster of a TV (for my money) to put up on the wall so I can watch the poster? At least the unchanging poster of a blank TV would be more entertaining than anything the SABC has to offer.

Soon the cANCer party will be making it mandatory to have a cANCer party logo on each of my monitors' desktop backgrounds.
I would use profanity but you might not use my response. Like bloody hell will I pay a cent more. Paying by debit order for years. Keep your filthy hands off my pension!
I have no interest in paying this tax. I dont have a tv but a video monitor connecting to netflix. I dont feel a need to pay a tax for it. Has anyone seen the total rubbish on SABC lately? I havent seen it for 8 years, but honestly it's always been pathetic.

Why dont they just make it a subscription service. ie you supply decoders that wants SABC and then it's paid for by those subscribing.

We had money before to fix roads, but you siphoned it off for corruption, then they borrowed billions and stole that too, then we got the fuel levy to cover for something that we already paid for, but was stolen due to corruption, then you needed other tax and stole from the fuel levy. So now we pay almost half the cost of fuel in taxes (taxes thats being swindled anyway). We are being milked dry. Till there is nothing left.

Honestly get out of the country!!!!!

The DA is utterly a useless disgrace of an opposition party. If they havent noticed that most Cape Townians want to go back to our own country like we were in 1910, then they can fail with the rest of the state.

People will be milked dry till there is nothing left, and then it will go to civil war, till everyone that had money will be dead. We saw this in so many countries. Cambodia especially.
So if I understand this correctly, they want to tax 90% of taxpayers and make 90% pay additional for the SABC who did not vote for the majority party? Let that hit you. WTH? You can't make this stuff up. What about the rest? I'm not sure what's it called anymore in SA, rural areas or settlements?
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