Uncapped wireless broadband is really uncapped for almost all applications and uses. These include email, browsing, streaming traffic like video, music, YouTube, AppleTV, Box Office, Netflix, VPN, VOIP, real time online gaming, backups and gaming downloads.
For these you will never be capped and throttled. This means consumers will enjoy the full benefit of a truly unlimited experience with Telkom's LTE Uncapped service. Telkom's 50GB fair usage policy cap ONLY applies to Bit Torrent traffic via peer to peer and news servers protocols (NNTP).
Customers will enjoy full speeds on the 50GB FUP bundle between 12am – 6pm and will only be throttled on the speeds between 6pm – 12am which is Telkom's peak period on the network. Full connection speeds will be maintained during peak periods for general browsing, online gaming and video streaming and the customer experience will not be affected.