TopTV porn channel denial - ICASA delays giving an explanation

OH COME ON NOW!!!Did the legal dept not vett decision leading to the granting of the interdict.Knee jerk approach by our regulator?
ICASA: "Oh crap! we missed another deadline! Guys, one of us really needs to put down our Ping Pong Paddle long enough to run out and buy a Calendar for our offices!"
They made a decision to stop TopTV's channel, but don't know what it is?

maybe multichoice bribed them?
One of the shortest lists ever must be
Deadlines ICASA met.
Stop porn and give us better sport like F1 moter sport ive got porn in my bed with my wive , that is a lot of nonsence we dont like that of nonce please come right, thanks
What is wrong with top tv thy must deside what thy want , i think top tv must stop the program this is a lot of noncene i hope i am not the only one who thinks so , PLEASE come right Top TV , you wont customers or not please let us know .
Top TV i think you dont want customers to support you let me know wat to do cancel or not my account , PLEASE come right . Ive you cant deside let us know .
What bull shyt if the people want porn let them have porn WTF some verkramtes want to control other peoples lives for them.
I hope Top TV sues the pants of ICASA.
Stop porn and give us better sport like F1 moter sport ive got porn in my bed with my wive , that is a lot of nonsence we dont like that of nonce please come right, thanks

That is not the issue.

The issue is !casa waffling a lot about trivialities than attending to the REAL issue - which is to speed up reform in the telecommunications sector.
I think the reason may be a very long time in coming. Because there is no sensible reason. ICASA's role is not to act as a censor. They have acted against SA's constitution, and well beyond their mandate. They have to know that will lose any concerted legal challenge to their absurd decision.
I think the reason may be a very long time in coming. Because there is no sensible reason. ICASA's role is not to act as a censor. They have acted against SA's constitution, and well beyond their mandate. They have to know that will lose any concerted legal challenge to their absurd decision.


everyone here seems to post as if they think that ICASA is an independent organisation and not answering to those offended by an adult world outside parliament....they are doing what they have been told to do.

i feel for them (sort-of) - heads you lose / tails you lose on this & on DTT & on spectrum etc etc

(and they may well surprise you at the end of this month)
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