TopTV porn channel legal battle looms

Sheese. Years go by with ICASA dragging their heels on all sorts of legislation which could be improving internet access in SA, but when someone wants to launch a paid for, opt in porn channel, they are on it like stink on a monkey.

If the previous DStv porn debacle is anything to go by there will be absolute outcry over this at the public hearings. I don't know what the problem is, it'll be easier to become a member of a porn site than to sign up for this.
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I honestly wouldn't want endless repeats of hairy and grainy 70's porn from Toptv,because at this stage it looks like the only thing they can afford.
So when DSTV launches new channels they get ICASA approval specifically for that channel and its content ?
Can't get ICASA to pass usable ADSL legislation. Can't get ICASA to do something, anything constructive regarding LLU. Can't get ICASA to draw up useful interconnect fee regulations. But don't you think about trying to show porn to people in their homes on a secure channel...that's when ICASA finally tries to bite. Useless bunch of w**kers.
Yes, ICASA was caught napping as usual. Finally they are being challenged to get their administrative house in order. Africa time is no longer acceptable.
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