TopTV porn channels - boycott planned by Christian groups

They really do like imposing their beliefs. Personally I dislike the Christian channels (to me theyre more harmful than the porn channels), but I support their right to watch whatever crud they want to. I dont want to impose my beliefs like that on them. Sure, Ill talk about my opinion, but I wouldnt try force my beliefs like they are doing.
Useless morons....

Thats about all I can use to describe them.
Millions of Christians my ass, I'll be surprised if half of their "Christians" aren't first in line to subscribe to the porn channel.
Wow I didn't see this coming at all :rolleyes:

I think it's about time that people started boycotting these types of Christians.
Useless morons....

Thats about all I can use to describe them.
Millions of Christians my ass, I'll be surprised if half of their "Christians" aren't first in line to subscribe to the porn channel.

Next week you will probably complain that people do not stand up for what they believe and that the country is going to the dogs. Stop insulting other people.
Next week you will probably complain that people do not stand up for what they believe and that the country is going to the dogs. Stop insulting other people.

They can stand up for what they believe in by encouraging their members not to subscribe to the channel, not by forcing their beliefs down everybody's throats.
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How about TopTV meets them half way and only air "Christian Porn"?
Programming such as "I'll put my fear of God in you!"
Or Adam and Eve in "2 Apples and a Snake"

:D Forgive me, I had to say this. :D
What utter morons...

I'm a Christian and I like my porn as much as I like my Brandy.
Gief more Porn channels :D
What utter morons...

I'm a Christian and I like my porn as much as I like my Brandy.
Gief more Porn channels :D

It's always about the children, or degrading women, or "porn causes rape". Seems like Errol Naidoo (the same twat who spouted all the same crap at DSTV) thinks that he's qualified to speak on behalf of all Christians.
Let's make it fair. TopTV should have 1 porn channel for every religious channel.
You should read your bible more.

So I need to be a Religious extremist to be classified as Christian?

The beauty about religion is that every person has his own take on his religion. I'm living the way I think Christ would have lived was he on earth now. Not without sin, but living a good life overall. If I was living it wrong so be it. I'll burn in hell. /care.
Ah! Religion .... one word that can start a fight! Dammed if you do, dammed if you don't!
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