TopTV porn channels denied by ICASA

Is anybody actually surprised at the decision by these prudish douchebags?
I think its a fail for an individuals freedoms / right to choose what they want to watch. Its not an open channel, its a subscription service. They may as well start putting stars on private parts again in magazines.... I'm not saying I would subscribe to the channels (even if I had Top TV - but don't). But now someone else has decided for me & you that we can't. So needless to say, we dont have the capacity to make our own decisions ?? Not democratic....
I think its a fail for an individuals freedoms / right to choose what they want to watch. Its not an open channel, its a subscription service. They may as well start putting stars on private parts again in magazines.... I'm not saying I would subscribe to the channels (even if I had Top TV - but don't). But now someone else has decided for me & you that we can't. Not democratic....

Icasa is a bunch of idiots!

They start twining about this (a closed pay per view channel that you have to pay for in order to get) but they cannot even get Telkom into line. Maybe start with the biggest problem first,,,, you tools!!!!!!
!casa's waffling too much at trivialities like these and not doing enough for liberation of the communications sector.

Somebody should be proud of this abomination.
Who really cares... doesn't the internet have enough smut to keep your hands busy 24/7 already?
Does ICASA ever allow anything? I think they just auto-deny everything so they don't have do any work :( LLU being the prime example.
I think its a fail for an individuals freedoms / right to choose what they want to watch. Its not an open channel, its a subscription service. They may as well start putting stars on private parts again in magazines.... I'm not saying I would subscribe to the channels (even if I had Top TV - but don't). But now someone else has decided for me & you that we can't. So needless to say, we dont have the capacity to make our own decisions ?? Not democratic....

Icasa is a bunch of idiots!

They start twining about this (a closed pay per view channel that you have to pay for in order to get) but they cannot even get Telkom into line. Maybe start with the biggest problem first,,,, you tools!!!!!!

Where is my freedom of choice if they always take my choices away. +1 for democracy...not

Oh really? So you are not free to get porn whenever you like? Lol! Its incredible how juvenile people get when you talk about porn.

Did you ever think that people wanting a porn channel might be in the minority? What about democracy? Democracy simply means that the majority get to choose what is best for everyone. In this case democracy worked against you.

There is no shortage of porn in this country. Complaining about this is juvenile, there are way more important things to get up in arms about going on in this country.
What I find disturbing is that ALL our other FTA channels show some form of porn(as well as language and violence) and it's totally unrestricted. This is gonna be secured with a pin and it's encrypted.

And as has been said, they need to deal with the liberalisation of telecomms and they are useless at that.
My guess it's less about being prudish than their ego's not being able to handle TopTV's attempt at bypassing them for not responding to their request in the first place.

I could be wrong, seeing how prominent black people carry on over gays, they might see themselves as the real protectors of morality.
Now that would be really funny.

ps. and Mandman its not about teh porn, its about a buchs of useless pricks being obtuse just because they can.
Did you ever think that people wanting a porn channel might be in the minority? What about democracy? Democracy simply means that the majority get to choose what is best for everyone. In this case democracy worked against you.

And you don't see the problem with that?
Who really cares... doesn't the internet have enough smut to keep your hands busy 24/7 already?

This is about the principle. I doubt it if a lot of people would have signed up for this service.
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