Honorary Master
Thank You.
It was quite the horror story.
His worst nightmare came true when he (as a diabetic) woke up "blind" on boxing day.
We were all a bit shell shocked and blamed it on all the cake he ate on xmas and hoped that if he just abstained that his sight would come back.
2 days passed, we managed to get hold of his eye doctor that was on leave, eyes got checked out and all was good and next step was MRI and stuff.
At the age of 78, we had to stop the R10kpm med aid 3 months prior, as it was bankrupting us.
Things escalated in that he stopped eating and being in his right mind and we evewntually went and paid for a cat scan as that is much cheaper.
This showed bleeding on the brain needing a neurologist.
This is when we send him to Addington. (Very good I have to say!, no rats or anything, and there was aircon)
It took 7 days to see one, but because his heart was so weak, he was inoperable and was just classified as palliative care.
Adington was actually quite good I have to say. No rats running around, aircon and whatnot.
They gave us morphine (we asked what can we do to make him comfortable), and on the day that we got him back home in his bed (after 3 weeks of no care whatsoever except us feeding him during visiting hours because he was blind), I gave him his first dose, and this is what killed him.
I blamed myself for a long while thinking that I messed up the dose or something.
Long story short!
Have a Will guys! Without one, you will be robbed by the ANC.
Also, the 24 hour nurse service from tafta is a godsend.
Only R3k per month!
So sorry to hear about your father