I know it's a complicated concept,but open your brain hole for a moment:
* A non-sentient clump of cells is not a "Life"
* If a clump of cells (zygote/fetus) and a Life (Woman) are at risk,you would rather prioritize the clump - that's a nonsensical argument
* A pregnancy is always risky,so you can't argue it's "not risky" for the woman
Even if it was a life,put a different way,if you yourself as an adult human were attached to my body to use as a Life-support machine,and you depended on that connection to live,if that connection has a risk to me,I am within my rights to deny you that connection and support.
My rights to my body exceed your rights to my body. If that were not the case the state would have the right to force you to donate a kidney to somebody else and you have no say.
(It's actually hilarious needing to say this,for people that complain about Vaccinations and their personal rights like 2nd amendment and free speech cannot be "infringed",that government must force you to allow your bodily autonomy to be infringed for a nonsentient bunch of cells that *might* become a person later)
In that regard the Satanic Temple has it spot on,they appreciate better than you do that an individual's personal rights to their own body exceed another being/entity's rights to that person's body