Vodacom accused of fraud in R7.5 billion BEE deal

The resident spin doctor soon to clarify.
In business a deal is a deal. Did you think BEE means give me, give me.[who ever you are]
Tiger Consortium Telecommunications, a losing bidder in the BEE deal who is [highlight]now demanding R100 million[/highlight] from Vodacom in damages.
[highlight]the spirit of[/highlight] the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act of 2003

My first thought was why complain now, several years after this BBEEEEEEEEEEEEEE deal was concluded?

What have the members of TCT been doing the last few years and where do they get this figure of R100m in damages, is that the amount of money TCT members have spent over several years praying to the sangomas/spirits of the BBEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ancestors to travel back in time and bribe someone to let TCT buy discounted shares in Vodacom?
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