Watch the fastest car in the world smash 0 – 100 record

This is purely false statement, MyBB has reached a new low of going from misleading to complete lie.
This is not the fastest car in the world. It is a record breaking for acceleration and nothing more.

Agreed, we all know a rental car is the fastest in the world.
Purpose built vehicle that can basically do nothing else .
Thanks i would not have known about it unless it was posted .
Amazing that a car can accelerate so fast on battery power.
This is purely false statement, MyBB has reached a new low of going from misleading to complete lie.
This is not the fastest car in the world. It is a record breaking for acceleration and nothing more.

0-100KM/h record? Sounds right to me.
Bollocks. We all know the fastest car in the world is a rental
It doesnt say its the fastest in terms of top speed, but it does say fastest in terms of 0-100.


What? Watch the fastest car do something.
It is not the fastest car. Go to the YouTube channel and other reports on the topic and MyBB only has this lie as a headline
Fastest car in terms of acceleration, how difficult is it to understand?
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