Why can't our country be run by people who know wtf they are doing and make promises they can keep.
Never before have photographic evidence of such a monumental amount of human fail appeared together in one thread.

This must be a new record for MyBB!
Why can't our country be run by people who know wtf they are doing and make promises they can keep.


I dont know how you can be minister of the DOC without any I.T qualifications. This is not doing gardening or washing a car you actually have to be able to use your brain which obviously does not happen.
Nicely done with the "All along the watchtower" analogies Jan. Well written column and summary of the DoC's misfortunes.

You qualify to be a minister by being a senior member of the political party in power. It is the civil servants in the D.O.C that require the ICT qualifications.

The problem we face is similar to how the arms and e-toll scandals were hatched. It is vested interests with too much access to government that are dictating the course of events. In the ICT arena, the preservation of the lucrative status quo is the number one aim of the major ICT players. The interests of the population at large will be found only on the back seat of the bus, or maybe in the luggage hold. We are along on the journey, only for fleecing.

There should be government and there should be business. And never the twain should meet.
+1. Excellent article, well done Jan. I've really been enjoying reading MyBroadband this last 2 weeks. It seems there are some changes going on internally. Reminds me of the olden days when MyBB was still called MyADSL and was a force to be reckoned with. Keep up the pace!

Great article, but I'm not sure if I want to cry or laugh. Very depressing how the ANC has turned South Africa's ICT landscape into a circus run by a bunch of monkeys.

From the looks of things however, it’ll be years before we even get a taste of what the new DoC administration is cooking, so it better be some amazing pudding.

The look on Dina Pule's face suggests that the bun baking in her oven will closely resemble Julius Malema, only turning the heat up to the max will abort this looming waste of time and tax money.

I hereby decree that the Information Highway shall henceforth be known as the Ndlovu Highway. Now where is my bonus & government sponsored car(s)?

Further discussion leading to the publications of a “green paper” by the end of the year;
They need 7 months to produce a single piece of writing that is essentially a draft?!?!

I bet with the right people in a room & you can write that thing in 7 days without breaking a sweat. Green papers are usually <25 pages...and thats with a big font size.
Question: Will the DoC ever get its act together?

Answer: Not until there is political will in government and all departments focus on governing with passion for the people and country. Not until these goons give up their power struggles. Not until there is an end to crony-ism and nepotism. Not until their is an end to self enrichment, corruption and entitlement.

And that list could go on... but that's the gist of it.
I dont know how you can be minister of the DOC without any I.T qualifications. This is not doing gardening or washing a car you actually have to be able to use your brain which obviously does not happen.

Actually no it would probably be better to have a minister of the DoC and education and so on who is qualified to be a cabinet minister. A minister who takes advise from the right people and is politically accountable rather than one who wants to run the industry.
Strange that this wasn't noted. Elections are in 2014. So if they "perform" by then, they can "boast" that they "helped" the economy and how "great" they really are.

I'm hoping they fail AGAIN and have no ammo in their political arsenal to pepper the masses with misinformation about how they actually run things. That would give headway for a REAL governing body to do what they do best. ACT.
I would like to stop diving into political debate every time that Telecoms is discussed... I would really love to!

In the end the choice is between being a rich guy on a dung heap or being an honest bloke living in a really, really nice place to live. For all the rest I say: Just buy your friggen villa in the south of France already and leave us the hell alone.
Question: Will the DoC ever get its act together?

Answer: Not until there is political will in government and all departments focus on governing with passion for the people and country. Not until these goons give up their power struggles. Not until there is an end to crony-ism and nepotism. Not until their is an end to self enrichment, corruption and entitlement.

And that list could go on... but that's the gist of it.

Will the DoC ever get its act together?

Short answer: No.
Slightly longer answer: Not until the cANCer is removed from government.
Excellent article. Really well written, Jan. I was really pleased to read this article. And there weren't even any grammar or spelling mistakes (none that I could see).

Keep up the good work. -thumbs up-
Actually they already have their personal acts together (otherwise phrased as personal agendas :whistling:) -- they been successfully corrupt :whistling:, and what's clear from the trend is that they'll supersede these highs in the next quarter as well... year-on-year growth is simply phenomenal :whistling: ;)
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