Wireless power: no batteries, no cables

I read about this a while ago, they only had the theory at that stage, but man it will be sweet. Unless it microwaves your brain... cause thats not cool
The energy is passed through on a frequency?
Now one wonders on what frequency this will be? Is it harmful for human beings?

If were worried about cellphones and cancer ......what will this mean now that we will be continously exposed to this and not intermittently like on phones?
Unless it microwaves your brain... cause thats not cool


This would actually make my wireless dream come true. It'd sure make my day. But I want to know how efficient is it (will I use a megawatt to power a 60w bulb?) and how safe it is :D
Woohoo!!! A wireless mouse with out having to change the batteries every bloody month!!!!

Whats that I hear? A batteryless vibra.... Ummm wait, nevermind.
nicolas tesla did soemthing similar a very very long time ago.

gentleman, what we have here is a transformer, the primary coil and secondary coil are just seperated a bit more than usual.

you would need to pump like 1kw into it to light a 2w bulb at 5 metres.
and of course, anybody standing in the way, say, wearing a metal watch will feel it heat up instantly on his wrist.

if you bored, go look up tesla's one wire electricity transmission scheme. using the earth as the wire. it probably holds more promise in the long run.

sombody felt like writing more about this than me, so here is the link
I am just getting a bit stressed with all of this wireless stuff. First remotes, then cell phones, now WiFi, WiMax and Power. This can't be good for people. Maybe those tin foil hats in the UFO movies will be good for something :)
Tesla was talking about this back in the 1920`s, they said he was crazy... he was also talking about teleportation and transmitting data to different locations.. they said he was a witch.
I belief Nikola Tesla was so ahead of his time, it cost his life. The next generation of superweapons will most probably based on his unpublished papers.

He was able to transmit power of distances of 50 miles +
He proved that air is a beter conductor of electricity compared to copper cable.
I'm surprised nobody's mentioned SimCity. :D You could build microwave power plants to receive power beamed down from satellites in space ... Occasionally the satellites would "miss" and you'd suddenly find a big crater where before there were homes or factories.

Kinda makes me want to play again. :rolleyes:
All I have to say is:
True Wireless Surround Sound. No more power supply for the rear speakers.
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