You are going to pay for Eskom

It's just not fair. It's the hard working people who already pay for their electricity who will now pay even more tax to pay for other peoples electricity.

People are struggling already. Now it's just going to get worse.
Guess which one it will effectively be in the end and which one won't even feature. To think if we up electricity by 50% and buy directly from Eskom nobody would even notice. :unsure:
Of course we were going to pay for eskom... That was a given.... Higher taxes though I just dunno... The tax base is maxxed out already.. Hiking taxes for this will have totally the opposite effect to what they want to achieve.
All these union members and bosses, will soon be enjoying paying R20-R25 for a loaf of bread, and R30 for 1l of milk.
They just don't get how stalling IPP's and halting division dismantling, is going to have some pretty harsh knock on effects.
Yip! Increase the tax on our over taxed citizens. Now we have to pay for this corrupt cANCer, and still people vote for them. Idiots.
They say they want an uncapped option..

While I think it’s BS.. I think a tweak will make it better.. ie 1.5m households = 1.5Bn rands worth of electricity.. slap a meter on the entry into the Soweto grid and they all pay R150(50 towards debt).. if they exceed it’s cut off.. they as a ‘community’ need to chase abuse and metering on Eskom side is cheap.

If they under pay, energy cut too.. ie making it Soweto’s problem by giving them what they want with a twist. Metering is not free nor is managing accounts.. I’d give such a solution 6months before their organization collapses and they beg to be managed with prepaid.
The consequence of a bunch of fools running the government is eventual collapse of the economy .
Transformation indeed from a vibrant strong economy to junk status and eventual collapse and hyper inflation .
The ANC government are nothing but a bunch of fools , our economy is doomed with fools like we have running this government .
One the Government formally goes after the cash the Guptas & Zuma stole (I.E involving international counterparts) then we can talk about helping them out :mad:
Good luck:thumbsup: Already overpriced, less affordable, more theft, less revenue, less jobs, even more theft and less revenue and less jobs... but keep it up, its working great so far
They say they want an uncapped option..

While I think it’s BS.. I think a tweak will make it better.. ie 1.5m households = 1.5Bn rands worth of electricity.. slap a meter on the entry into the Soweto grid and they all pay R150(50 towards debt).. if they exceed it’s cut off.. they as a ‘community’ need to chase abuse and metering on Eskom side is cheap.

If they under pay, energy cut too.. ie making it Soweto’s problem by giving them what they want with a twist. Metering is not free nor is managing accounts.. I’d give such a solution 6months before their organization collapses and they beg to be managed with prepaid.

No, no no, lets burn down some transformers and generating facilities instead.
That will sort things out.
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