
Rain dominates uncapped 5G pricing in South Africa

Rain offers the most cost-effective uncapped fixed-5G products in South Africa, a MyBroadband analysis has revealed.

However, it’s important to note that Rain limits certain aspects, including video streaming resolutions, virtual private network (VPN) speeds, and torrent speeds, in its lower-tier product offerings.

MyBroadband compared fixed-5G products from several mobile network and Internet service providers in South Africa.

Rain, MTN, and Vodacom let their customers select from a range of speed offerings, the cheapest being Rain’s Unlimited Home 5G Basic at R499 a month.

The package offers speeds up to 25Mbps, but limits video streaming to 720p and throttles VPNs and torrents.

MTN, Vodacom, and Supersponic’s lowest-tier fixed-5G products all cost R699 per month, with the two mobile operators throttling speeds to 30Mbps and 25 Mbps, respectively.

Rain’s Unlimited Home 5G Standard service — which provides speeds up to 50Mbps — is also available for R699 a month.

While the products listed are technically uncapped, all of them — excluding Rain — throttle speeds once a certain threshold is met, per their fair usage policies.

Axxess, MTN, Supersonic, and Vodacom throttle speeds to either 4Mpbs or 2Mbps once a customer reaches the threshold.

Vodacom is the only provider to specify a “hardlock” limit for its fixed-5G products.

Under its usage policies, Vodacom will cut customers off if they consume more than 2.5TB in a month.

Mobile network operators previously told MyBroadband they implement fair usage policies to prevent congestion and protect their networks.

The table below summarises the pricing and features of uncapped 5G deals in South Africa.

Uncapped mobile data packages
Package Speed limits Fair use policy Price
Rain Unlimited Home 5G Basic Up to 25Mbps
  • 720p video streaming
  • VPNs throttled
  • Torrents throttled
MTN Home Uncapped 5G 30Mbps Up to 30Mbps
  • 700GB monthly threshold — 4Mbps thereafter
Rain Unlimited Home 5G Standard Up to 50Mbps
  • 1080p video streaming
Supersonic 5G Home Lite Unlimited. 2Mbps throttle after 400GB
  • 400GB monthly threshold — 2Mbps thereafter
Vodacom Uncapped 5G 25Mbps Up to 25Mbps
  • 1TB monthly threshold.
  • 1TB-1.5TB at 4Mbps
  • Hardlocked at 1.5TB
Axxess MTN Uncapped 5G Pro Up to 500Mbps*
  • 600GB monthly threshold — 2Mbps thereafter
MTN Home Uncapped 5G 50Mbps Up to 50Mbps
  • 1TB monthly threshold — 4Mbps thereafter
Vodacom Uncapped 5G 50Mbps Up to 50Mbps
  • 1TB monthly threshold.
  • 1TB-1.5TB at 4Mbps
  • Hardlocked at 1.5TB
Axxess MTN Uncapped 5G Pro+ Up to 500Mbps
  • 1TB monthly threshold — 2Mbps thereafter
Rain Unlimited Home 5G Premium No limit
  • No fair usage threshold
MTN Home Uncapped 5G 100Mbps Up to 100Mbps
  • 2TB monthly threshold — 4Mbps thereafter
Supersonic 5G Premium (MTN) No limit 2Mbps throttle after 1TB
  • 1TB monthly threshold — 2Mbps thereafter
Vodacom Uncapped 5G 100Mbps Up to 100Mbps
  • 1TB monthly threshold.
  • 1TB-2.5TB at 4Mbps
  • Hardlocked at 2.5TB
Vodacom Uncapped and Unthrottled 5G Best effort speeds
  • 1TB monthly threshold.
  • 1TB-2.5TB at 4Mbps
  • Hardlocked at 2.5TB
Axxess MTN Uncapped 5G Ultra Up to 500Mbps
  • 1,600GB monthly threshold — 2Mbps thereafter
*MTN and Vodacom’s 5G offerings are subject to a 24-month contract period
*Axxess claims its 5G offerings reach speeds of up to 500Mbps, but this is dependent on router capability and network coverage

Now read: MTN building private 5G networks for mines and ports

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