Telkom stops ADSL KPI updates
Telkom has not updated its ADSL Key Performance Indicators (KPI) web page since the first quarter of 2012, arguing that the ADSL regulations have not kept up with technology and industry developments.
On 17 August 2006 the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA) published its regulations regarding the provision of Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) services.
These regulations require Telkom and ISPs to publish on a quarterly basis via their website, Key Performance Indicators (KPI) detailing (at the least) packet loss, average latency and jitter for the provisioned ADSL service.
To date only Telkom and MWEB have adhered to the regulation, and ICASA is simply putting its head in the sand when faced with questions about the ADSL regulations.
These regulations, which were written under the guidance of then ICASA councillor Mamodupi Mohlala, were widely criticized by industry players as unenforceable and essentially a waste of time.
The problems with the regulations are clearly illustrated by the requirement for ISPs to publish regular ADSL Key Performance Indicators (KPI). Without proper guidelines on these measurements, the KPIs are of little value to anyone.
Telkom may have decided to ignore this regulatory requirement considering that it adds no value and is not enforced by ICASA.
Telkom explains
Telkom explained that the ADSL Regulations came into effect in 2006, and that it is not relevant to the local market any longer.
“The evolution of the network infrastructure and technology applications required to deliver broadband services has undergone significant changes such that the current market dynamics for broadband services are markedly different to those prevailing in 2006,” said Telkom.
“The ADSL Regulations have remained unchanged notwithstanding these significant market developments, including inter alia the acceleration of mobile broadband penetration and the inception of robust competition amongst licensees, including the introduction of 8ta as a new entrant in the mobile broadband market.”
Telkom said it has sought to engage ICASA on these and other related matters to ensure that the regulatory framework for the provision of broadband services is fair, transparent and equitable for all licensees.
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ADSL Key Performance Indicators