
Telkom uncaps its capped ADSL accounts

Telkom ADSL

Telkom announced today (4 January 2013) that it is doing away with a hard cap on its capped ADSL accounts, and is introducing a soft cap which will allow for unlimited browsing.

Telkom will be upgrading its Internet network from 1 February 2013, and this change will mean that capped users will now get access to all websites even after they reach their monthly usage limit.

“This effectively means customers reaching their internet cap will no longer be limited to local data. They will now also be able to access international sites,” Telkom explained.

“Instead of hitting a cap, customers will now merely have their speed slowed down and some of their international activity shaped.”

Telkom added that all data consumed on the soft cap will be free – a move away from the current system where customers may be charged for over-usage.

“Day to day activities such as email, banking and browsing will be given priority, whilst lower priority will be given to high usage applications such as file sharing and streaming services,” Telkom said.

Telkom said that, despite the added value, prices remain the same for the Do (consumer) and TBiz (business) capped bundles.

Telkom has also announced that it will remove the current daytime speed limitations on its Do Uncapped Offers. These packages will remain shaped.

Business customers will also benefit from the upgrade. TBiz Uncapped will evolve to see greater prioritisation of business traffic.

“This gives business customers an edge as the prioritisation of business applications will ensure business critical data reaches a business’ customers and suppliers on time, enabling ultimate productivity,” said Telkom.

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