Broadband for all in SA by 2019
The long awaited ‘Broadband Policy for South Africa’ was published in Government Gazette 33377 yesterday, giving guidelines on Government’s plans to provide all citizens with broadband services by 2019.
“The vision of this policy is to ensure universal access to Broadband by 2019 by ensuring that South Africans are able to access Broadband either individually, or as a household, subscribe to a Broadband service, or are able to access a Broadband service directly or indirectly at a private or public access point,” the broadband policy states.
South Africa will follow the guideline from the ITU Development Sector and as such broadband will be interpreted as an always available, multimedia capable connection with a download speed of at least 256 kbps.
The broadband policy points out that broadband services in some areas are ‘prohibitively expensive’, and to make it more affordable Government plans to intervene to expand networks into these marginalized areas to reduce costs.
“Various options for the construction, operation and maintenance of networks in under-serviced areas will be developed by USAASA,” the policy document states.
The broadband policy further points to the importance of content development to boost the uptake of broadband, especially in the fields of education, health and e-government.
Affordable broadband of at least 256 kbps for all by 2019 << comment on or discuss the National Broadband Policy